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Spring Phenological Characteristics and Phenophase Classification of Landscape Greening Tree Species in Qiqihar


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Spring Phenological Characteristics and Phenophase Classification of Landscape Greening Tree Species in Qiqihar
LIANG YanWANG XuenianYANG XuhuaMO ShengfengXU Xin
(School of Life Sciences and A&F,Qiqihar University,Qiqihar,Heilongjiang 161006)
phonological characteristicsphenophasebuddingleaf expansionQiqihar
Based on field investigations on budding and leaf expansion phenology characteristics and phenophase of 53 of woody species distributed in the green space of Qiqihar,in combination with the correlation analysis between budding time and stages of the leaf expansion and the cluster analysis of phenophase,we revealed the patterns of spring budding and leaf expansion phenological characteristics and phenophase of landscape tree species in Qiqihar.The results showed that the budding period lasted from late March to early May,and the peak period was concentrated in mid-April;the beginning of the leaf expansion lasted from mid-April to mid-May.There was a very significant positive correlation between budding time and different stages of leaf expansion:beginning,peak,and final stage of leaf expansion.In the cluster analysis,all tested tree species were divided into four types of phenological phases,and within the same phenological phase,plants showed relative synchronization in their phenology of budding and leaf expansion.The spring phenological characteristics of landscape tree species in Qiqihar would provide a scientific basis for the construction of spring garden landscape in the cold regions of northern China,and also provide a reference for building a plant community with higher diversity.


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Last Update: 2020-05-25