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Effect of Potassium Fertilizer Treatment on Sugar Accumulation and Related Enzyme Activities in Strawberry Fruits


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Effect of Potassium Fertilizer Treatment on Sugar Accumulation and Related Enzyme Activities in Strawberry Fruits
HUA MingyanSONG LanfangCUI ShaojieTONG YanaKONG WeidongYANG Xiaoling
(Tianjin Facility Agricultural Research Institute,Tianjin 301700)
strawberrypotassium fertilizerqualityenzymes activity
Israeli variety ‘S3’ strawberry was taken as the test material,the effects of different potassium fertilizer treatments on sucrose,fructose,glucose content and related metabolic enzymes in strawberry were studied.The results showed that the application of potassium fertilizer could promote increase of sucrose,fructose and glucose content in strawberry fruits.Sucrose was the main component of soluble sugar in strawberry fruits,and the content of fructose and glucose was basically the same.With the increase of potassium fertilizer,the sugar content increased and reached the maximum when the potassium was 360 kg?hm-2.The activity of sucrose synthase was the highest at 42 days after flowering,and the activity of sucrose synthase was significantly increased by potassium fertilizer at the later stage of strawberry development.Sucrose synthase activity was positively correlated with sucrose and glucose accumulation in the middle and late stage of strawberry fruit development,and negatively correlated with fructose accumulation in the early stage of fruit development.Sucrose phosphate synthase played an important role in the synthesis and accumulation of sucrose,which activity positively correlated with the sucrose content,the overall trend was upward.In the ripening of strawberry,the activity of acid invertase enzymes and neutral invertase enzymes changed greatly,which activity decreased first and then increased,and negatively correlated with the sucrose content in the fruits.Potassium ions played a key role in the regulation of sucrose metabolism-related enzymes.Proper potassium fertilizer could improve the activities of sucrose synthase,sucrose phosphate synthase and sucrose neutral invertase,thus increasing the accumulation of sucrose,fructose and glucose of fruit during growth period.


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Last Update: 2019-08-29