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Characteristics Analysis of Nutrient Elements of Domination Species in Xiangxi of Hunan Province(PDF)


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Characteristics Analysis of Nutrient Elements of Domination Species in Xiangxi of Hunan Province
HUANG Rui-chun1ZENG Qin2ZHU Ning-hua2
1.Xiangxi Forest Ecological Research Station of Hunan Province,Xiangxi,Hunan 416000;
2.School of Forestry,Central South University of Forestry and Technology,Changsha,Hunan 410004
native tree speciesnutrient elements contentcorrelation
S 718. 55
The characteristics of the contents of 9 nutrient elements (N,P,K,Ca,Mg,Fe,Mn,Zn,Cu) in 8 plants species collected from Xiangxi were investigated.Nutrient element content,interaction between elements and element content feature classification were analyzed,cluster analysis were done for 8 plants species according to 9 elements content in trees.The results showed that the average contents of N was the highest in the all kinds of 9.The main character of the nutrient element contents was of the Ca>K>Mg type.On analyzing the coefficient of variation(C.V.,%),Mn and Cu had higher C.V.,while the C.V.of N,P,K,Ca,Mg,Fe,Zn was less than 50%,and the N had the lowest C.V..8 plants species were defined as the N limited plants based on the ratio of the elements in the leaves.There existed a significant positive correlation in the nutrient element of trees of P and K,Ca and Mg.The classification of 8 plant species were grouped into ①Corylus chinensis Franch, Choerospondias axillaris and Nyssa sinensis;②Phoebe bournei, Lindera megaphylla  and Cinnamomum bodinieri Levl;③Michelia maudiae Dunn;④Staphyleaceae by cluster analysis.


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Last Update: 2014-08-05