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Effects of Different LED Light Qualities on Fruitbody Traits and Yield of Pleurotus ostreatus


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Effects of Different LED Light Qualities on Fruitbody Traits and Yield of Pleurotus ostreatus
HAO Xueming1ZHENG Wengang12WANG Mingfei12WANG Lichun1WEI Xiaoming12ZHANG Xin2
(1.Intelligent Equipment Technology Research Center,Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences,Beijing 100097;2.Information Technology Research Center,Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences,Beijing 100097)
LEDoyster mushroomyieldcorrelation
Taking Pleurotus ostreatus as material,the effects of white light(CK,control),red light(R),green light(G),blue light(B),red light(B),red and green light(R∶G=1∶1),red and blue light(R∶B=1∶1) on the properties,yield and moisture content of the fruiting body of the mushroom were studied by LED light source irradiation method,in order to screen out the suitable light quality conditions at the mushroom stage.The results showed that white light and blue light had the fastest fruiting,green light had the latest fruiting,and blue light had the highest fruiting body number and fruiting rate.White light and blue light mainly promoted the growth pileus.Red light inhibited the growth of pileus and promoted the growth of stipe.Compared to red and green light treatments,the cap color was darker under blue and red blue light treatments.The yield of single rod under white light and blue light treatment was higher,reaching 292.44 g and 284.97 g respectively,and the yield under red light treatment was the lowest,reaching 178.74 g.Except for red light,the moisture content of fruiting bodies under other light quality treatments was above 90%,and the moisture content was the highest under blue light treatment.In general,the comprehensive analysis of white light and blue light treatment of Pleurotus ostreatus fruiting body agronomic traits,fruiting body type performance was better,yield and water content were higher than other light quality,suitable for fruiting body growth and development stage of light quality.


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Last Update: 2023-09-27