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Genetic Diversity Analysis of Common Eggplant Germplasm Resources in Yunnan Based on SLAF-seq


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Genetic Diversity Analysis of Common Eggplant Germplasm Resources in Yunnan Based on SLAF-seq
LI JingLI XinyunMIAO YuHE DinanZHAO Kai
(College of Landscape and Horticulture,Yunnan Agricultural University,Kunming,Yunnan 650201)
Yunnan Provinceeggplant resourcessimplify genome sequencinggenetic diversitySNP tag
Thirty five eggplant germplasm resources collected by the research team from Yunnan Provinces and cities were used to analyze their genetic diversity by using specific location amplified fragment sequencing (SLAF-seq).The genetic diversity of common eggplant germplasm resources in Yunnan and develop specific SNP markers were studied,in order to provide reference for germplasm innovation,cross breeding and rootstock selection of eggplant resources in Yunnan.The results showed that 147.42 Mb read length data were obtained from 35 eggplant germplasm resources,and the number of reads from different resources ranged from 1 474 699 to 8 628 640.The GC content obtained by sequencing was 38.29%-46.40%,the average GC content was 39.72%,and the control was 41.96%.The sequencing quality value Q30 was in the range of 88.11%-93.56%,the average Q30 value was 91.00%,and the control Q30 was 88.11%.According to the sequencing results,159 847 SLAF tags were obtained,included 84 119 polymorphic tags,and 3 006 351 highly efficient SNP tags were screened.The genetic diversity,cluster analysis and population PCA analysis of 35 eggplant germplasm resources were conducted by using the obtained SNP markers.The results showed that 35 eggplant germplasm resources could be divided into 5 groups.


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Last Update: 2023-09-19