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Effects of Different Compost Fermentation Time on Ganoderma lucidum Cultivation and Microbial Community


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Effects of Different Compost Fermentation Time on Ganoderma lucidum Cultivation and Microbial Community
HE Liming1YAO Ke1CAI Ling1LI Fang1LUO Xia12
(1.Institute of Fungus Medicinal Materials,Sichuan Academy of Chinese Medicine Science,Chengdu,Sichuan 610041;2.Sichuan Key Laboratory of Quality and Innovation of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Chengdu,Sichuan 610041)
Ganoderma lucidumcompost fermentationcultivation substratemicrobial community analysis
Ganoderma lucidum cultivation substrate was used as the experimental materials,and bag culture and high-throughput sequencing methods were used,Ganoderma lucidum cultivation experiment and microbial community analysis were carried out after 0,3,5,10 days of compost fermentation of the cultivation substrate.the effect of different compost fermentation time on Ganoderma lucidum cultivation and microbial community in cultivation substrate were studied,in order to provide reference for the establishment of high-quality and high-yield bag cultivation techniques for Ganoderma lucidum.The results showed that different compost fermentation time had effects on the agronomic properties and quality indexes of Ganoderma lucidum,and microbial community structure in cultivation substrate.The cultivation substrate after compost fermentation could improve the agronomic properties and quality indexes of Ganoderma lucidum,especially when the compost fermentation lasted for 5 days,the mycelial growth rate,growth period,yield,polysaccharide and triterpene content indicators were the best.Microbial community analysis showed that the number of bacteria and fungi in the cultivation substrate reached a stable level after 5 days of compost fermentation,proteobacteria and ascomycota were the dominant microorganism during fermentation,and the microbial community structure was also stable after 5 days of compost fermentation.


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Last Update: 2023-07-06