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Softening Related Enzymes Activity Analysis of Hawthorn Fruit With Different Softening Progress


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Softening Related Enzymes Activity Analysis of Hawthorn Fruit With Different Softening Progress
WANG BijunYANG HuaiceJIAO YangLI NufeiDONG WenxuanHOU Yali
(College of Horticulture,Shenyang Agricultural University,Shenyang,Liaoning 110866)
hawthornstoragesofteningcell wall degradationcell membrane degradation
A special hawthorn germplasm named ‘Ruanrou 3#’ was used as experimental material as its rapid and remarkable softening characteristic and hawthorn ‘Qiujinxing’ was used as control.The softening related enzyme activities during fruit development were analyzed.The physiological mechanism in hawthorn fruit softening was studied,in order to provide refernce for the softening mechanism of the hawthorn fruit.The results showed that the fruit firmness of ‘Ruanrou 3#’ decreased rapidly after 100 days of full bloom,while ‘Qiujinxing’ started to decrease slowly until after 120 days,which was significantly higher than that of ‘Ruanrou 3#’.The activities of polygalacturonase (PG) were lower in the early stage of fruit development for ‘Ruanrou 3#’,but increased sharply along with the rapid decrease of fruit firmness during the harvest period,instead,it showed relatively low activity in the whole development period in ‘Qiujinxing’.The pectin methylesterase (PME) activities in ‘Ruanrou 3#’ were maintained stable and higher than those in ‘Qiujinxing’ during all developmental stages.The cellulase (Cx) activity in ‘Qiujinxing’ and ‘Ruanrou 3#’ increased significantly at fruit ripening,and there was a significant negative correlation between the Cx activity and fruit firmness.The activities of β-galactosidase (β-gal) increased slightly in ‘Ruanrou 3#’ fruit and then decreased,but increased in ‘Qiujinxing’ fruit,especially in the stage of fruit maturity.The lipoxygenase activities peaked in the middle and mature stages of ‘Qiujinxing’ and ‘Ruanrou 3#’ fruits,and increased slightly at late development stage.In conclusion,the changes of hawthorn fruit softening of ‘Ruanrou 3#’ might be affected and regulated by PG,PME and Cx.


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Last Update: 2023-06-06