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Changes of Cell Wall Related Enzyme Activities in Different Flesh Peach Fruits During Ripening


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Changes of Cell Wall Related Enzyme Activities in Different Flesh Peach Fruits During Ripening
GAO Yuanyuan1CAO Hongbo1LI Dongdong2AN Jiale1ZHANG Xueying1CHEN Haijiang1
(1.College of Horticulture,Agricultural University of Hebei,Baoding,Hebei 071000;2.Guantao County Agriculture and Rural Bureau,Handan,Hebei 057750)
peachfleshy fruitenzyme activityfirmnessrespiratory intensity
Soft solute type ‘Xiahui 5’,hard solute type ‘Baojiahong’,hard solute type ‘Baojiajun’ and non-solute type ‘Jintong 6’ peach fruit were used as test materials,the activity of enzyme related to cell wall degradation of fruit was determined.The effects of firmness,respiration intensity,cell wall degradation related enzyme activities and gene PG21 and PME expression differences on fruit softening during fruit ripening were studied,in order to clarify the changes of cell wall related enzyme activities during fruit ripening in different fleshy peaches.The results showed that the activities of PME and Cx in ‘Xiahui 5’ peach fruit of soft solute type were higher than those of the other three meat types,and the activities of PG were higher than those of ‘Jintong 6’ and ‘Baojiajun’ peach of hard type,indicated that the activities of PG,PME and Cx were closely related to the softening process of ‘Xiahui 5’ peach fruit of soft solute type.There was no significant difference in the activity of β-gal in peach fruit of four meat types,indicating that β-gal enzyme was not the key factor affecting the peach softening process of different meat types.The relative expression intensity of PG21 gene in four different meat types showed an overall upward trend in the late mature stage of peach fruit,and the relative expression levels of PME gene in ‘Xiahui 5’ and ‘Baojiajun’ showed an upward trend in the whole fruit late development stage,and the change trend of enzyme activity was basically consistent with the expression levels of related genes.


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Last Update: 2023-06-06