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Effects of Exogenous Rice Straw on Soil Bacterial Community Structure


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Effects of Exogenous Rice Straw on Soil Bacterial Community Structure
HAN Zhe123DI Chengqian2WANG Min13PAN Kai2
(1.Institute of Agricultural Remote Sensing and Information,Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Harbin,Heilongjiang 150086;2.College of Horticulture and Landscape,Northeast Agricultural University,Harbin,Heilongjiang 150030;3.Postdoctoral Programme,Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Harbin,Heilongjiang 150086)
rice strawcontinuous cropping of Chinese Cabbageclubroot diseasesoil bacterial communitysoil chemical properties
The soil of continuous cropping of Chinese cabbage was taken as the research background in this study.The clubroot occurrence of Chinese cabbage seedlings and soil chemical properties,and the change of soil bacterial community structure was studied by high-throughput sequencing technology,in order to provide reference for the grain crop straws utilization in vegetalde cropping.The results showed that the addition of rice straw effectively controlled the occurrence of clubroot disease in Chinese cabbage seedlings,reduced the incidence rate,disease index and the proportion of the disease root system.The results of soil chemical properties showed that the addition of rice straw increased the level of pH,organic carbon and carbon nitrogen ratio,and increased the content of available nitrogen,available phosphorus and available potassium.Correlation analysis found that soil bacterial community distribution was significantly affected by soil pH,organic carbon,carbon nitrogen ratio,available nitrogen,available phosphorus and available potassium.Variance decomposition analysis showed that soil organic carbon had a great impact on soil bacterial community structure.


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Last Update: 2023-07-31