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Changes of Starch Content and Establishment of Staining Pattern in Four Pear Varieties During Fruit Ripening


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Changes of Starch Content and Establishment of Staining Pattern in Four Pear Varieties During Fruit Ripening
LI Ying1GUO Weizhen12ZHAO Zezhao3ZHAO Jingxian12
(1.Hebei Academy of Forestry and Grassland Sciences,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 050061;2.Hebei Technical Innovation Center for Forest Improved Variety,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 050061;3.College of Horticulture,Hebei Agricultural University,Baoding,Hebei 071001)
pearstarch contentmaturitystarch staining pattern
Taking the fruits of 4 pear varieties ‘Huangguan’ ‘Xuehua’‘ Yali’ and ‘Yingshuang’ as materials,the hardness,soluble solids content and starch content of the fruits at different harvest stages were measured,and the dyeing changes of I-KI solution on the fruit sections at different harvest stages were observed,in order to understand the change characteristics of starch during pear fruit ripening,the feasibility of judging pear fruit ripening stage by starch staining pattern was explored.The results showed that,1) with the extension of harvest time,the hardness and the content of starch of pear fruit had decreased gradually,the content of soluble solids had increased gradually.2) The change of starch content had a strong correlation with its hardness and soluble solids content.3) The dyeing degree of the cross section of the fruit gradually became lighter with the increase of maturity.The starch hydrolysis of ‘Huangguan’ and ‘Xuehua’ pear fruits first occurs around the core and gradually spreaded outward.The staining map showed obvious regional and color changes.While the ‘Yali’ and ‘Yingshuang’ fruits had no obvious change in the dyeing area,showed a gradual change in the overall color.According to the dyeing situation of the pear fruit,it was divided into six grades.When the dyeing grade was 3,it was suitable for long-term storage in cold storage,and when the dyeing grade was 4-5,it was suitable for fresh food or processing.In a word,the changes of fruit starch content could reflect the changes of fruit maturity and internal quality to a certain extent.Different varieties had different starch hydrolysis characteristics.The judgment of fruit maturity by starch staining pattern depended on the variety.


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Last Update: 2023-02-22