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Effects of Different Tree Shapes on Branch and Leaf Growth and Fruit Quality in Chinese Jujube


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Effects of Different Tree Shapes on Branch and Leaf Growth and Fruit Quality in Chinese Jujube
TIAN Chunjiao1DUAN Yanjun2LIU Zhiguo23LIU Ping23WANG Jiurui1LIU Mengjun23
(1.College of Forest,Hebei Agricultural University,Baoding,Hebei 071000;2.College of Horticulture,Hebei Agricultural University,Baoding,Hebei 071000;3.Research Center of Chinese Jujube,Hebei Agricultural University,Baoding,Hebei 071000)
Chinese jujubetree shapefruit qualitybranch and leaf
Taking ‘Yueguang’ and ‘Dongzao’ with different tree shapes as test materials,the growth of branches and leaves was investigated,and the external morphology and internal quality of fruits with different tree shapes were measured at the half red stage of fruit,and the effects of different tree shapes on the growth of branches and leaves and fruit varieties were explored,in order to provide reference for the selection of tree shapes in the cultivation of ‘Yueguang’ and ‘Dongzao’.The results showed that the difference of bearing fruit branch length under different tree shape was not significant for each variety.The leaf morphology between open center shape and Y-shape,and the fruit nutritional indicators,such as vitamin C content,soluble sugar,titratable acid and soluble solids content,among three tree shape did not show significant difference in ‘Yueguang’,yet the single fruit weight reached the highest value of 8.65 g under open center shape.There was no obviously difference of leaf morphology and fruit vitamin C content,soluble sugar,titratable acid and soluble solids content.Under extension shoot shape,evacuation stratified shape,or improved open center shape in ‘Dongzao’.The single fruit weight of ‘Dongzao’ did not significantly vary from extension shoot shape to evacuation stratified shape.However,the fruit soluble solids content of ‘Dongzao’ under extension shoot shape was only 25.98% and significantly lower than that under evacuation stratified shape and improved open center shape.The comprehensive results demonstrated that the open center shape and evacuation stratified shape was suitable for ‘Yueguang’ and ‘Dongzao’,respectively.


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Last Update: 2022-12-06