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Effects of Root-zone CO2 on Root Growth and Endogenous Hormones of Melon


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Effects of Root-zone CO2 on Root Growth and Endogenous Hormones of Melon
YANG LinLOU KunkunWANG WanxinQI HongyanLIU Yiling
(College of Horticulture,Shenyang Agricultural University/Key Laboratory of Protected Horticulture,Ministry of Education/National & Local Joint Engineering Research Center of Northern Horticultural Facilities Design & Application Technology,Shenyang,Liaoning 110866)
root-zone CO2melonroot growthendogenous hormones
Taking melon ‘Yumeiren’ as the test material,and the aeroponics culture CO2 automatic system,the changes of root growth indexes and auxin (IAA),cytokinin (CTK),gibberellin (GA) and abscisic acid (ABA) content in the roots of melon under six different rhizosphere CO2 concentrations(0.2%,0.4%,0.6%,0.8%,1.0% and 1.2%,0.2% of the conventional root-zone CO2 concentration were used as the control) were studied,in order to provide reference for in-depth study of the internal mechanism of plant growth under root-zone high CO2 concentration.The results showed that with the increase of CO2 concentration and the prolongation of treatment time,the growth indexes and the content of growth-promoting hormones (IAA,CTK and GA) of melon showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing.Before 6 days of CO2 treatment,the root length,root surface area,total number of root tips,mean diameter of root,root activity,IAA,CTK and GA content were significantly higher than the control,and the higher the concentration,the more the increase.After 9 days of treatment,root growth was inhibited to varying degrees.The content of IAA,CTK and GA decreased with the increase of CO2 concentration,while the content of ABA gradually increased.The concentration of root-zone CO2 was different,and the time for the hormone to reach the peak was different.The higher the concentration of CO2,the earlier the time for the hormone content to reach the peak.In conclusion,the high root-zone CO2 concentration of melon could promote the growth and the synthesis of growth-promoting hormones (IAA,CTK and GA) of melon seedling roots in a short period of time (<6 days).With the extension of the enrichment time,the content of IAA,CTK and GA decreased,and the growth of root was inhibited.


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Last Update: 2022-06-14