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Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Soil Nutrients in Artificially Planted Pennisetum giganteum


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Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Soil Nutrients in Artificially Planted Pennisetum giganteum
ZHANG Bo1LI Gangtie1ZHANG Hongwu2HUANG Yiying3
(1.College of Desert Control Science and Engineering,Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,Hohhot,Inner Mongolia 010000;2.Ximeng Baiqi Forestry Bureau,Xilingol League,Inner Mongolia 026000;3.Institute of Grassland Research,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Hohhot,Inner Mongolia 010000)
Pennisetum giganteumtimesoil nutrientsspatial distribution
Taking Pennisetum giganteum as the test material,the method of variance analysis was used to set the artificial planting of Pennisetum giganteum as one year (FY) and two years (SY) according to the planting time.The rhizosphere,plant margin,interplant were set as the horizontal direction and 0-100 cm was set as the vertical direction.And the bare sandy land was set as the control (CK) to study the soil nutrient distribution characteristics after artificial planting of Pennisetum giganteum,in order to provide reference for the study of soil improvement in this area.The results showed that the contents of soil organic carbon,available nitrogen and available phosphorus showed a positive correlation with the increase of planting time,and the content of available potassium first increased and then decreased.Among them,the increasing effect of the surface soil was the largest,and the increasing effect gradually weakened with the increase of soil depth.The bottom soil had the least effect,among which the effect of available phosphorus on the planting time of Pennisetum giganteum was the most obvious and the increase of SY soil nutrients was the most significant.The effect of the vertical direction on available nitrogen,available phosphorus and available potassium was concentrated below the surface layer,while the organic carbon was mostly concentrated below the 10 cm soil layer,and the effect was gradually weakened with the deepening of the soil layer depth.For the horizontal direction,the rhizosphere had the highest effect on the increase of the same depth,and this effect gradually weakened with the deepening of soil depth.


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Last Update: 2022-05-24