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Nutrient Characteristics of Corn Straw Substrate Block Added With Biochar and Earthworm Cast and Changes in Cucumber Growth


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Nutrient Characteristics of Corn Straw Substrate Block Added With Biochar and Earthworm Cast and Changes in Cucumber Growth
ZHENG WendeWANG XiaodongMA JiaweiWANG XingyiMA YongjieZHANG Xueyan
(School of Agriculture,Ningxia University,Yinchuan,Ningxia 750021)
straw substrate blockearthworm castbiocharnutrient characteristicscucumber
Waste corn straw resources,biochar after corn straw carbonization,and earthworm cast were used as the main raw materials.Taking in-situ composting,the single corn straw matrix block was used as a control (S),with straw block+earthworm cast (SE),straw block+biochar (SB),straw block+earthworm cast+biochar (SEB).The effects of biochar and earthworm cast on the nutrients of corn straw matrix and the growth of cucumber plants were analyzed.The results showed that compared with S,SB and SEB significantly increased cucumber stem diameter by 10.26% and 11.71%,but SB had a tendency to reduce plant biomass accumulation,SEB biomass accumulation was the highest,and significantly increased plant biomass accumulation compared to SB.The water holding porosity and bulk density of SE,SB,and SEB treatments were higher than those of S,and the addition of earthworm cast increased the bulk density.Compared with SE and SEB,SB significantly increased the content of total organic matter(TOC),total potassium(TK),total nitrogen(TN) and available potassium(AK).Compared with S,SE and SEB significantly reduced matrix total nitrogen by 57.71% and 61.98%,available nitrogen by 47.29% and 30.00%,and available potassium by 68.57% and 20.00%,increasing substrate pH,and SE promoted substrate rapid phosphorus accumulation the amount.The analysis of membership function showed that SEB can promote the growth of cucumber plants,improve the physical properties of the substrate,promote the absorption of nutrients from the substrate,and increase the yield of cucumber.


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Last Update: 2020-10-29