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Analysis of Volatile Components in Different Organs of Echinacea augustifolia


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Analysis of Volatile Components in Different Organs of Echinacea augustifolia
HUANG Huaxi1ZANG Qingmin1YI Xiuhong1LI Jinhua2CHEN Rong12
(1.Guangxi Key Laboratory of Agricultural Resources Chemistry and Biotechnology,Yulin Normal University,Yulin,Guangxi 537000;2.College of Chinese Medicinal Materials,Jilin Agricultural University,Changchun,Jilin 130118)
Echinacea augustifoliavolatile oilsolid-phase microextractionGC-MS
Determination of volatile oil contents in different organs of Echinacea augustifolia introduced in Mengzi City,Yunnan Province by steam distillation,and volatile components in the organs of Echinacea augustifolia were identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS) combined with headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME).The results showed the content of volatile oil in capitulum,leaf and stem of Echinacea augustifolia was significantly higher than that in roots of traditional medicinal parts.The composition of volatile compounds in different organs of Echinacea augustifolia was different,51 compounds were identified in total.The identified components in roots,stems,leaves,capitulum and peduncles accounted for 90.045%,89.642%,94.533%,97.933%,and 93.669% of their total volatile components,the main components were terpenes,alcohols and aldehydes.The relative contents of terpenes in each organ were the highest,being 74.148%、65.391%、74.016%、85.609% and 54.908%,respectively,and varies from organ to organ.The highest terpenes in roots were 1-octadecene,followed by β-caryophyllene.In leaves and stems,the highest terpenes were β-caryophyllene,followed by α-humulene.The highest terpenes in capitulum were germacrene D,followed by caryophyllin.The study suggested that this area can be used as a production base for introduction and cultivation of Echinacea augustifolia.At the same time,the contents of volatile oil and terpenes in leaves and inflorescences of non-traditional medicinal parts were higher than those in roots of traditional medicinal parts,and should be considered for medicinal use.


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Last Update: 2020-12-01