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Regularity and Influence Factors of Fruits Drop in Juglans hopeiensis Hu


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Regularity and Influence Factors of Fruits Drop in Juglans hopeiensis Hu
ZHU YiqunWANG HongxiaLIU KaiZHANG Zhihua
(Mountainous Areas Research Institute/Hebei Mountain Area Agricultural Engineering Technology Research Center/Agricultural Engineering Technology Research Center in Northern Mountain Area of China,Agricultural University of Hebei,Baoding,Hebei 071001)
Juglans hopeiensis Hufruit dropposition in treebearing branchinflorescenceendogenous hormonenutriment
The correlation between fruit drop and some relevant factors including cultivar,position in tree and infructescence,condition of seed bearing branch,and physiological changes in different varieties of Juglans hopeiensis Hu was investigated to provide theoretical basis for improving fruit-bearing rate and high-efficiency cultivation management.The results showed that the rate of fruit drop in Juglans hopeiensis Hu was from 76.73% to 94.77%.The peak period of fruit drop appeared from the 5th to 20th day after blooming,which accounted for more than 90% in the whole.The peak period of physiological drop occurred from the 55th to the 80th day after blooming.The existence of physiological drop peak period depended on different cultivar.The rate of fruit drop during noon was significantly higher than other time periods in daytime.Upper layer and peripheral of tree,sturdy and oblique bearing branches showed a higher fruit-bearing rate.The fruit position on the inflorescence affected fruit dropping.Rate of fruit drop tended to decrease with the increase of sequence number which representing the fruit position on inflorescence.High contents of ABA in kernel and epicarp was one of the reasons for fruit shedding.The value of ABA/(IAA+GA3+ZR) in the epicarp of shedding fruit was significantly higher than normal one.The deficiency from nutrient content such as soluble sugar,soluble protein,nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium was the main reason for physiological fruit drop of Juglans hopeiensis Hu.These valuable results can suggest to productively guide management in orchards of Juglans hopeiensis Hu.


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Last Update: 2020-07-08