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Annual Change of Active Substances and Embedded Material in Red Raspberry Root(PDF)


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Annual Change of Active Substances and Embedded Material in Red Raspberry Root
LIU HaipengGUO FangLI BaoguoZHANG XuemeiQI Guohui
(College of Forestry,Agricultural University of Hebei,Baoding,Hebei 071000)
red raspberryactive substancecontaining substance
Two-year-old red raspberry of ‘Heritage’was used as test material,the change of root protection enzyme,root activity,soluble sugar,starch and soluble protein of red raspberry in a year were studed,in order to explore the regularity of active substances and embedded material of red raspberry root.The results showed that the activity of SOD was 〖JP5〗volatile,there was four peaks in a year,the first peak in the sprouting period of root bud (March 15th) was 42.22 U?g-1 FW,the second peak in the primary stem growth period (May 15th) was 41.76 U?g-1 FW,the third peak in the preliminary of the fruit maturity (August 1st) was 60.20 U?g-1 FW,the fourth peak in the deciduous period (November 1st) was 51.89 U?g-1 FW.The activity of POD had two peaks in a year,the first peak in the primary stem growth period (May 〖JP4〗15th) was 48.73 U?g-1 FW,the second peak in the preliminary of the fruit maturity (August 1st) was 60.84 U?g-1 FW.The activity of CAT had two peaks in a year,the first peak in the primary stem growth period (May 15th) was 21.37 U?g-1 FW,the second peak in the preliminary of the fruit maturity (August 1st) was 24.18 U?g-1 FW.The root activity had third peaks in a year,the first peak in the sprouting period of root bud (March 15th) was 317.22 μg?g-1?h-1,the second peak at squaring stage (June 15th) was 261.82 μg?g-1?h-1,the third peak in the end of the fruit maturity (October 1st) was 311.95 μg?g-1?h-1.The soluble sugar of root had four peaks in a year,the first peak in the sprouting period of root bud (March 15th) was 37.9 mg?g-1,the second peak in the primary stem growth period (May 15th) was 29.3 mg?g-1,the third peak in the preliminary of the fruit maturity (August 1st) was 40.5 mg?g-1,the fourth peak in the deciduous period (November 1st) was 37.6 mg?g-1.The content of starch decreased first and then increased,from the sprouting period of root bud (March 15th) to the primary stem growth period (May 1st),we could find out the content of starch first decreased and increased at squaring stage (June 15th).The content of soluble protein increased in the sprouting period of root bud (March 15th) and reached a peak in the root bud grown from the soil,the value was 4.91 mg?g-1.Soluble protein in roots showed a slow upward trend after the primary stem growth period (May 15th).






















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Last Update: 2016-10-11