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Effect of Pollination Sources on Fruit Setting Rate and Fruit Characteristics of Macadamia Cultivars ‘Keauhou’(PDF)


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Effect of Pollination Sources on Fruit Setting Rate and Fruit Characteristics of Macadamia Cultivars ‘Keauhou’
TAO LiCHEN LilanTAO LiangNI ShubangZHANG HaiwenHE Xiyong
(Yunnan Institute of Tropical Crops,Jinghong,Yunnan 666100)
(Yunnan Institute of Tropical CropsJinghongYunnan 666100)
Taking Macadamia spp. cultivars ‘Keauhou’ as test material,9 different Macadamia cultivars were used to pollinate ‘Keauhou’,the effect of pollening sourceson fruit setting rate,the fruit size and quality characteristic of ‘Keauhou’ were studied.The results showed that there were significant differences(P<0.05)in fruit setting rate,diameters,average kernel weight,kernel recovery,amino acid composition,and six contents of amino acids,oleic acid,seven mineral elements,crude proteins,total sugars,crude fat,water and ash between different pollinizers.However,there were no obvious effects on fruit shape index,percentages of first-grade kernel,fatty acids contents except oleic acid,and so on.Cultivars ‘951’‘O.C’ and ‘Pahala’ were recommended as pollinizers to ‘Keauhou’ because the effect of their pollination showed better.



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Last Update: 2016-09-12