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Study on Quality Change of Peach and Flat Peach Under Low Temperature Storage(PDF)


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Study on Quality Change of Peach and Flat Peach Under Low Temperature Storage
SONG HongfengGUO LeiZHANG BinbinWANG ChenyuZHOU Mao
(Institute of Horticulture,Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Horticultural Crop Genetic Improvement,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210014)
peachflat peachfruit qualitylow temperature storage
In order to compare the storage characteristics of peach and flat peach,two cultivars of ‘Meixiang’ and ‘Galaxy’ were used to analyze the changes of fruit color,flesh firmness,soluble sugar and organic acid content.The results showed that the color change of 2 cultivars had big difference during low temperature storage,the pericarp color of the ‘Galaxy’ became darker.The fruit firmness of 2 cultivars decreased significantly.The soluble sugar content varied complicatedly among them,the total soluble sugar contents showed little change and the sucrose content decreased significantly.The content of total organic acid and citric acid of ‘Meixiang’ and ‘Galaxy’ decreased during the early stage then increased during the late stage.








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Last Update: 2016-04-07