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Research on the Leafy Vegetables Under the Condition of Water Loss Detection Based on the Hyperspectral Imaging(PDF)


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Research on the Leafy Vegetables Under the Condition of Water Loss Detection Based on the Hyperspectral Imaging
WU Qiong1 2LU An-xiang2ZHU Da-zhou3WANG Cheng3FANG Jing-jing1JI Jian-wei1
(1.College of Information and Electrification Engineering,Shenyang Agricultural University,Shenyang,Liaoning 110866;2.Beijing Research Center for Agri-food Testing and Farmland Monitoring,Beijing 100095;3.Beijing Research Center of Intelligent Equipment for Agriculture,Beijing 100097)
hyperspectral imagingwater lossfreshnessnon-destructive detection
TN 911.73
Four kinds of vegetables were compared to analyze,including pakchoi cabbage,spinach,rape,and baby cabbage.The vegetable leaf was stored for water loss.The hyperspectral images were collected at 0 hours water loss,10 hours water loss,24 hours water loss,48 hours water loss,respectively.The freshness change in the process of the vegetable storage by hyperspectral imaging was preliminary explored.The results showed that hyperspectral image could reflect the outer shape and inside chlorophyll change of vegetables during the water loss.And the result of the principal component analysis (PCA) method for the classification of different varieties of vegetables leaf showed that the differences of the spectral were increasing within the degrees of the water loss.The study provided a technical support for the quality management in the process of the vegetable storage and transportation.


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Last Update: 2015-07-21