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 Research on Correlation of the Soil Microorganisms and Soil Element Under Different Soil Fertilities(PDF)


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 Research on Correlation of the Soil Microorganisms and Soil Element Under Different Soil Fertilities
MA Tong 1LI Min 1SUN Ling-qiang 2CHU Jin-ping 3LIU Shu-tang 1LIU Jian-ping
(1.College of Horticulture,Qingdao Agricultural University,Qingdao,Shandong 266109;2.Qingdao Seed Station,Qingdao,Shandong 266071;3.Xinjiang Agricultural Institute of Bazhou,Korla,Xinjiang 841000)
Keywords:soil microorganismspeppersoil elementcorrelation
Abstract:The correlation between soil microbial quantity growth and decline and soil element content in Shandong Pingdu and Xinjiang Korla under different soil fertilities were studied.The results showed that bacteria and actinomycetes increased significantly while the amount of fungi had decreased under different fertilizer treatments,which organic fertilizer had significant effects on fungal growth than chemical fertilizer;in no fertilizer treatment (CK) the overall number of soil microorganisms significantly reduced,but the ratio of microbial community structure did not been affected.The correlation between soil microbial growth and soil element was not completely identical.The growth and decline of the number of fungi showed a significant negative correlation with copper.Bacteria showed a significant positive correlation with zinc in Pingdu but showed obvious negative correlation with boron element and manganese element.The conclusion showed that soil nutrient types and content had significant effects on soil microbial quantity growth and decline.The correlation between soil microbial growth and decline and rhizosphere soil element content was not same.


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Last Update: 2015-02-16