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Effects of Light and Temperature on Termination of Diapause of Brithys crini Fabricius(PDF)


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Effects of Light and Temperature on Termination of Diapause of Brithys crini Fabricius
TU Xiao-yunXU Jia-chenXU Dong-meiLIU SiYANG Sha
College of Life Sciences,Jiangxi Normal University,Nanchang,Jiangxi 330022
Brithys crinidiapause terminationphotoperiodlight emitting diode (LED)temperature
S 433.4
To understand the effect of light and temperature on termination of diapause pupae of Brithys crini Fabricius,the eclosion of diapause pupation were systematically observed under different light and temperature combinations,different LED lights extended in scotoperiod.The results showed that mortality of diapause pupae of B.crini was the lowest and duration of diapause was the shortest under the condition of 25℃ and LD 12∶12.This condition was the most favorable for diapause termination.Mortality was the highest in blue group and the lowest in red one when blue,yellow and red light were extended for 3 h in scotoperiod.The duration of diapause in 3 LED source groups was longer than those in combination of 25℃ and LD 15∶9,respectively.These results suggested that the light and temperature would affect termination of diapause pupae of B.crini.


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Last Update: 2014-08-07