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Study on the Succession Rules of Phytoremediation in Industrial Wasteland(PDF)


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Study on the Succession Rules of Phytoremediation in Industrial Wasteland
GAO Yan-peng1SHI Ping1WEI Xin-ru2
1.School of Resources and Civil Engineering,Northeastern University,Shenyang,Liaoning 110004;2.Liaoning Urban and Rural Construction and Planning Design Institute,Shenyang,Liaoning 110004
industrial wastelandheavy mental soil pollutionphytoremediationsuccession rules
TU 985.12+6
The pollution degree of soil heavy metal is rather serious in the industrial wasteland.It is necessary to do some research on bioaccumulation mechanism of resistant plants or hyperaccumulator for heavy metal ions and determination of the perfect cultivars and patterns of forest vegetation.According to community succession theory,this paper took Yangjiazhangzi molybdenum mine area in Huludao city as research area to carry out field vegetation survey.The succession of a natural community in the area began with the introduction of pioneer herbaceous plants.The zonal vegetation was coniferous and broadleaved mixed forest.The progressive succession began with bare land roughly experiences the stages of bare land→hassock→shrub→coniferous forest→coniferous and broadleaved mixed forest.In order to improve the efficiency of vegetation community succession,it was needed to introduce the vegetation for the succession period ahead in each phase.The restoration in tailing pond aims at centering on protection and considering utilization as well by adopting the plant restoration measure of the combination of shrub and herb plants.The optimum plant disposition mode was:sea buckhorn×caragana×(tall fescue,bluegrass and ryegrass).


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Last Update: 2014-08-19