QIAN Lijuan,XU Chengxuan,JIANG Shengjuan,et al.Study on the Enrichment of Selenium in Hericium erinaceus Mycelium[J].Northern Horticulture,2024,(16):109-115.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20240473]
- Title:
- Study on the Enrichment of Selenium in Hericium erinaceus Mycelium
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2024)16-0109-07
- Keywords:
- Hericium erinaceus; selenium-enriched fermentation; active substances; antioxidant activity
- 分类号:
- S 646
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以4种猴头菇为出发菌株,采用平板和液体发酵培养方式,研究了亚硒酸钠和酵母硒对4种猴头菇菌丝生长的影响,比较了不同硒浓度培养的菌丝体生长速率、硒含量及富硒菌丝体水提物的蛋白质、多糖、总酚含量及抗氧化活性,以期为富硒猴头菇功能食品的开发及应用提供参考依据。结果表明:“猴头911”“猴头920”“猴头王”“猴头3008” 4种菌株中,“猴头911”菌株富硒能力较强,且在酵母硒培养中硒含量最高。硒能够提高猴头菇菌丝体蛋白质、多糖、总酚等主要活性物质含量。当“猴头911”富硒菌丝体水提物质量浓度为2 mg·mL-1时,羟基自由基、超氧阴离子自由基和1,1-二苯基-2-苦味基肼(DPPH)自由基的最高清除率分别为67.53%、39.27%、74.05%,均高于对照。
- Abstract:
- Four Hericium erinaceus was used as the starting strain,and plate and liquid fermentation culture methods were used.The effects of sodium selenite and selenium yeast on the growth of four species of Hericium erinaceus mycelium,compared the growth rate,selenium content,protein level,polysaccharide concentration,total phenol content,and antioxidant activity of the aqueous extract enriched with selenium-enriched mycelium with different concentrations of selenium,in order to provide reference for the development and application of selenium enrichment functional food of Hericium erinaceus.The results showed that among the four strains of ‘Hericium erinaceus 911’‘Hericium erinaceus 920’‘Hericium erinaceus king’‘Hericium erinaceus3008’‘Hericium erinaceus 911’ had stronger selenium-enriched ability and the highest selenium content in yeast selenium culture.Selenium could increase the content of protein,polysaccharide,total phenol and other main active substances in mycelium of Hericium erinaceus.The highest scavenging rates of hydroxyl free radical,superoxide anion free radical and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical were 67.53%,39.27% and 74.05%,respectively,when the concentration of the water extract of selenium-rich mycelium of ‘Hericium erinaceus 911’ was 2 mg·mL-1,which were higher than those of control.
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