TAN Wei.Production Technology of Plastic Greenhouse Cantaloupe Tomato Rotation[J].Northern Horticulture,2024,(16):150-153.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20234232]
- Title:
- Production Technology of Plastic Greenhouse Cantaloupe Tomato Rotation
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2024)16-0150-04
- Keywords:
- cantaloupe; tomato; crop rotation; plastic greenhouse; ‘northern cuisine and southern sales’
- 分类号:
- S 641.2
- 文献标志码:
- B
- 摘要:
- 基于黑龙江省在保障粮食供给以及自然资发[2021]166号文件中严格控制农业设施建设用地使用一般耕地要求的两大背景下,开展塑料大棚一年两茬高效生产技术模式研究,形成地方标准1项,主要包括轮作茬口安排、香瓜生产技术、过渡期设施管理、番茄生产技术,以期建立以夏秋茬北菜南销番茄生产为主,早春抢早香瓜生产为辅的轮作模式,提升现有塑料大棚的产出率以及推进“北菜南销”塑料大棚番茄产业可持续发展。
- Abstract:
- Based on the two major backgrounds of ensuring food supply and strictly controlling the use of general cultivated land for agricultural facility construction in Heilongjiang Province in the document of Natural Resources Development (2021) No.166,a study on the efficient production technology model of plastic greenhouses with two crops per 1 year was carried out,forming one local standard,mainly including crop rotation arrangement,cantaloupe production technology,transitional period facility management,and tomato production technology,in order to establish a crop rotation model with summer and autumn crops as the main production of northern vegetables and southern sales of tomatoes,supplemented by early spring melon production,to improve the output rate of existing plastic greenhouses and promote the sustainable development of the ‘northern vegetables and southern sales’ plastic greenhouse tomato industry.
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