WANG Yong,JIANG Jun,ZHAO Hongxing,et al.Breeding of a New Eggplant F1 Hybrid ‘Zhuqie 14’[J].Northern Horticulture,2024,(14):157-160.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20233935]
- Title:
- Breeding of a New Eggplant F1 Hybrid ‘Zhuqie 14’
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2024)14-0157-04
- Keywords:
- eggplant; ‘Zhuqie 14’; F1 hybrid
- 分类号:
- S 641.1
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- “驻茄14号”是利用自交系“驻ZQ-07-09”作母本,自交系“驻ZQ-06-16”作父本,采用优势杂交育种方法选育出杂交一代茄子新品种。其植株生长势强,坐果能力强,果实圆卵形,果皮紫色,光泽度较强,果肉颜色为绿白色,口感绵软细腻,茄汁浓郁,爽口润滑。果实纵径13.5 cm,横径11.5 cm,平均单果质量0.62 kg,667 m2平均产量为5 580.29 kg,“驻茄14号”对青枯病、黄萎病、绵疫病的抗性较强,目前已经在河南省及周边地区辐射推广种植,综合农艺性状表现良好。
- Abstract:
- ‘Zhuqie 14’ is a new eggplant hybrid by using inbred line ‘Zq-07-09’ as female parent and inbred line ‘Zq-06-16’ as male parent.Its plant growth potential,fruit set strong,long egg-shaped fruit,skin purple,gloss,flesh color for green and white,soft and delicate taste,rich tomato juice,refreshing lubrication.The length of fruit is 13.5 cm,the length of stem is 11.5 cm,the average weight of fruit is 0.62 kg,the average yield is 5 580.29 kg,at present,it has been popularized and planted in Henan Province and its surrounding areas with good comprehensive agronomic characters.
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