FENG Yanqiong,LI Xueming,WEI Haiyan,et al.Growth Characteristics of Phragmites australis Under Two Planting Modes[J].Northern Horticulture,2020,44(03):62-67.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20191591]
- Title:
- Growth Characteristics of Phragmites australis Under Two Planting Modes
- Keywords:
- Phragmites australis; pier lifting method; layering method; growth
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以芦苇为研究对象,观测其在起墩和压条2种栽种方式下的成活株数、盖度、株高、株径、每株节间数和展叶数等生长指标的动态变化及其光合特征和生物量分配情况,并对芦苇的生长指标进行了主成分和相关性分析,以期为芦苇有效种植与科学管理提供科学依据和实践指导。结果表明:芦苇的成活株数、盖度、株高、株径、节间数以及展叶数均可以在一定程度上反映芦苇的生长状况;且该6种指标也在一定程度上呈正相关。芦苇生长指标在2种栽种方式下存在差异,表现为起墩法的盖度、节间数和展叶数数值较高;压条法的成活株数、株高和株径数值较大。芦苇的光合速率(Pn)、胞间CO2浓度(Ci)和蒸腾速率(Tr)在起墩法栽种下均大于压条法,且差值在Ci表现较明显。一个生长季芦苇在2种栽种方式下的总生物量、茎生物量、叶生物量和茎叶生物量比均表现为起墩法>压条法。由此得出,在实践应用中,若想获取较高的芦苇成活株数供引种栽培等可优先选择压条法栽种;若想获取较高的芦苇生物量供饲养家畜等可优先考虑起墩法。
- Abstract:
- Taking Phragmites australis as the research object,the dynamic changes of growth indicators such as the number of surviving plants,coverage,plant height,plant diameter,number of internodes and leaf spread of each plant,and their photosynthetic characteristics and biomass allocation under the two planting methods of pier lifting and layering were observed,and the principal component and correlation analysis of the growth index of Phragmites australis were carried out,to providing scientific basis and practical guidance for the effective cultivation and scientific management of Phragmites australis.The results showed that the number of surviving plants,coverage,plant height,plant diameter,number of nodes,and number of leaves spreading could reflect the growth of Phragmites australis to a certain extent;and these six indicators were positively correlated.The Phragmites australis growth indicators were different under the two planting modes,which were as follows the values of the coverage,internodes and leaf spread of the pier method were higher;the number of surviving plants,plant height and diameter of the bead method were larger.The photosynthetic rate (Pn),intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci),and transpiration rate (Tr) of Phragmites australis of pier lifting method were larger than those of the layering method,and the differences were more obvious in Ci.The total biomass,stem biomass,leaf biomass and stem-to-leaf biomass ratio of Phragmites australis in two growing modes in a growing season were:pier lifting method>layering method.It was concluded that,in practice,if you want to obtain a higher number of Phragmites australis for introduction and cultivation,you can choose the layering method.If you want to obtain a higher amount of reed biomass for raising livestock,you can give priority to the pier lifting method.
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