ZHANG Guoxin,YAO Yutao,SUN Yeshuo,et al.Effects of Water Regulation Methods on Greenhouse Tomato and Soil Salt in Coastal Saline Alkali Land[J].Northern Horticulture,2021,(11):57-62.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20203745]
- Title:
- Effects of Water Regulation Methods on Greenhouse Tomato and Soil Salt in Coastal Saline Alkali Land
- Keywords:
- coastal saline-alkali land; protected tomato; soil matrix potential; yield; quality; soil salinity
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以“金棚1号”番茄为试材,通过控制土壤基质势下限(-5 kPa,T1;-10 kPa,T2;-15 kPa,T3;-20 kPa,T4;-25 kPa,T5),研究了在滨海盐碱区日光温室滴灌条件下秋延后番茄花果期土壤基质势对生长、品质及土壤盐分的影响,以期为滨海盐碱地设施番茄灌溉制度提供参考依据。结果表明:基质势越大,株高的生长速率越高,茎粗T1最高,其它处理间变幅不大;随着基质势降低,可溶性固形物、有机酸、可溶性糖含量均呈现先增加后减小的趋势,其中均以T1为最低;随着基质势降低,番茄红素含量逐渐增加,呈负相关,而维生素C含量变化却与基质势呈正相关;随着基质势降低,小区产量、单果质量逐渐减小,灌水频次减少,但水利用率明显提高;随着土壤基质势降低,5个处理的0~20、20~40、40~60 cm 3个土层电导率均逐渐增大,且均以40~60 cm土层电导率为最高,5个处理平均达1.84 dS?cm-1,较0~40 cm高60%以上。综合分析,滨海盐碱地番茄节水提质栽培,秋延后花果期番茄以土壤基质势不低于-10 kPa指导灌水较适宜。
- Abstract:
- ‘Jinpeng No.1’ was used as the research material.The effects of soil substrate potential on the growth,quality and soil salinity of tomato in the flowering and fruit period under the condition of drip irrigation in the solar greenhouse in the coastal saline-alkali area were studied by controlling the lowest limit of soil substrate potential (-5 kPa,T1;-10 kPa,T2;-15 kPa,T3;-20 kPa,T4;-25 kPa,T5),in order to provide a reference for the coastal saline-alkali field facility tomato irrigation system.The results showed that the greater the substrate potential,the higher the growth rate of plant height.The stem thickness of T1 was the highest,and the variation was not obvious among other treatments.The lycopene content gradually increased with the matrix potential decreasing,showed a negative correlation,while the change of vitamin C was positively correlated with the matrix potential.As the substrate potential decreased,the plot yield,single fruit weight,and irrigation frequency gradually decreased,while the water utilization rate increased significantly.As the soil matrix potential decreased,the electrical conductivity of the three soil layers of 0-20 cm,20-40 cm,and 40-60 cm of the 5 treatments all gradually increased,and the conductivity of the soil layer of 40-60 cm was the highest.The average of the 5 treatments reached 1.84 dS?cm-2,which was 60% higher than 0-40 cm.In general,it is more appropriate to use the soil substrate potential higher than -10 kPa to guide irrigation during the flower and fruit period for water-saving and quality-improving cultivation of tomatoes in coastal saline-alkali land.
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