ZHANG Jiaqun,WANG Xina,HU Meijuan.Effects of Nitrogen Application Rate on the Nitrogen Absorption of Watermelon in Gravel-mulched Field[J].Northern Horticulture,2020,44(12):39-46.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20194163]
- Title:
- Effects of Nitrogen Application Rate on the Nitrogen Absorption of Watermelon in Gravel-mulched Field
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以压砂西瓜为试材,设置0、45、90、135、180 kg?hm-2 5个氮水平,测定各器官氮素含量、叶片不同部位SPAD值及产量,研究了压砂西瓜氮素吸收及施氮量对压砂西瓜氮素吸收及累积的影响,以期为压砂西瓜合理施用氮肥提供参考依据。结果表明:坐瓜期、膨瓜中期、成熟期施氮45~135 kg?hm-2的植株氮素累积量随施氮量的增加而增加。膨瓜期,施氮45~180 kg?hm-2的茎、叶氮素累积量高于不施氮。坐瓜期施氮45~135 kg?hm-2时,茎氮素累积量随施氮量的增加而增加。顶部叶SPAD值在施氮量为90~135 kg?hm-2时最高,氮水平为45~135 kg?hm-2时中部叶SPAD值最大,施氮量是135~180 kg?hm-2时基部叶SPAD值最高。施氮量与顶部叶SPAD值在膨瓜前期相关系数为0.972,施氮量与中部叶SPAD值相关系数在伸蔓期和膨瓜后期为0.960、0.959,施氮量与基部叶SPAD值在伸蔓期相关系数为0.988。顶部叶叶片氮素含量与SPAD值在伸蔓期、坐瓜期、膨瓜中期、成熟期相关系数为0.911、0.947、0.844、0.968,中部叶叶片氮素含量与SPAD值在伸蔓期、坐瓜期、膨瓜期相关系数为0.934、0.955、0.988、0.946、0.878,基部叶叶片氮素含量与SPAD值在伸蔓期、坐瓜期、膨瓜前期相关系数为0.875、0.835、0.872。产量与顶部叶SPAD值的相关系数在伸蔓期、坐瓜期、膨瓜期为0.881、0.944、0.835、0.975、0.897,产量与中部叶SPAD值在坐瓜期、膨瓜中期和后期、成熟期相关系数为0.961、0.959、0.869、0.997,产量与基部叶SPAD值在伸蔓期、坐瓜期、膨瓜前期和中期相关系数为0.834、0.983、0.987、0.948。施氮可以提高植株氮素累积量和叶片SPAD值,施氮量、叶片氮素含量、产量与中部叶SPAD值相关性最佳。
- Abstract:
- In order to explore optimum application of nitrogen fertilizer for watermelon in gravel-mulched field,the effects of nitrogen application rate on plant nitrogen absorption was studied.Five nitrogen levels were set in the experiment,0,45,90,135,180 kg?hm-2.The nitrogen content of each organ,SPAD of different parts of the leaves,yield were measured.The results showed that nitrogen application of plants at 45-135 kg?hm-2 increased with nitrogen application increasing.The nitrogen accumulation of 45-180 kg?hm-2 of stems and leaves were higher than those of no nitrogen application in expanding.When nitrogen application was 45-135 kg ? hm-2 during the sitting stage,the accumulation of stem nitrogen increased with increasing nitrogen application.The SPAD of the top leaf was the highest when the nitrogen application rate was 90-135 kg?hm-2,and the SPAD of the middle leaf was the highest when the nitrogen level was 45-135 kg?hm-2.The base leaf SPAD was the highest when the nitrogen application rate was 135-180 kg?hm-2.The R2 between the N rates and the top leaf SPAD was 0.972 in the early stage of the expanding,and the R2 between the N rates and the SPAD of the middle leaf were 0.960,0.959 in the stretching and the late stage of the expanding.The R2 between the N rates and the SPAD of the base leaf were 0.988 in the stretching stage.The R2 between the N content of the top leaves and the SPAD were 0.911,0.947,0.844,0.968 in stretching stage,fruiting stage,middle expanding stage and matury.The R2 between the N content of the middle leaves and the SPAD were 0.934,0.955,0.988,0.946,0.878 in stretching stage,fruiting stage,and expanding stage.The R2 between the N content of the basal leaves and the SPAD were 0.875,0.835,0.872 in stretching stage,fruiting stage,and the early stage of the expanding.The R2 between yield and the top leaves SPAD were 0.881,0.944,0.835,0.975,0.897 in the stretching stage,fruiting stage,and expanding stage.The R2 between yield and the SPAD of the middle leaves were 0.961,0.959,0.869,0.997 in the fruiting stage,middle stage and late stage of the expanding,and matury.The R2 between yield and the SPAD of the basal leaf were 0.834,0.983,0.987,0.948 in the stretching stage,fruiting stage,and early stage and late stage of the expanding.Nitrogen application could increase the nitrogen accumulation of the plant and SPAD,and the nitrogen application rate,the N content of leaf and yield had the best correlation with the SPAD of the middle leaf.
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