ZHANG Qiang,WANG Shunli,QU Mingshan,et al.Screening of Cucumber Nursery Matrix Formulation With Fly Ash as Main Raw Material[J].Northern Horticulture,2018,42(21):17-21.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20180480]
- Title:
- Screening of Cucumber Nursery Matrix Formulation With Fly Ash as Main Raw Material
- Keywords:
- fly ash; mushroom residue; cucumber; matrix
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 利用粉煤灰、菇渣、蛭石等工业、农业废弃物为主要试材,采用三因素三水平的正交实验方法,进行黄瓜穴盘育苗试验,测定了各配方基质物理化学性质,统计黄瓜幼苗生长发育状况,以期实现废弃物资源化利用。结果表明:T4(V(粉煤灰)∶V(菇渣)∶V(蛭石)=3∶1∶2)为最佳处理黄瓜育苗基质配方,幼苗生长情况优于市售商品育苗基质,说明利用工业废弃物粉煤灰、农业废弃物菇渣来进行黄瓜育苗可行。
- Abstract:
- In order to achieve the utilization of waste resources,industrial and agricultural wastes,including fly ash,mushroom residue and vermiculite were selected as the plant substrate to grow cucumber seedlings.The experiment was designed by orthogonal test method with three factors and three levels.The physical and chemical properties of each formula for cucumber seedling growth were conducted.The results showed that,T4(V (fly ash)∶V (mushroom residue)∶V(vermiculite)=3∶1∶2) was the best formula for cucumber seedling growth.It was better than the commercial substrate.The results suggested that fly ash,mushroom residue could be used as seedling substrate to plant vegetables.
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