ZHOU Ruijin,ZHANG Xiaona,HU Huiling,et al.Plant Regeneration From Leaves of Seedless Date Plum (Diospyros lotus L.)[J].Northern Horticulture,2016,40(22):104-106.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.201622026]
- Title:
- Plant Regeneration From Leaves of Seedless Date Plum (Diospyros lotus L.)
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以“赞圆无核”君迁子组培苗叶片为试材,研究了基本培养基类型、植物生长调节物质浓度和暗期处理对离体叶片不定芽再生的影响,并获得了完整的再生植株。结果表明:最适宜的基本培养基为MS(1/2N),最佳的生长调节剂组合为5.0 mg?L-1 ZT+0.10 mg?L-1 IAA,其愈伤组织诱导率、不定芽形成率及平均出芽数分别达到99.1%、87.3%和5.4个;暗培养4周,再转为光下培养2周效果最佳;将叶片再生植物转入(1/2N)MS+0.5 mg?L-1 ZT+0.01 mg?L-1 IAA培养基中继代培养,以1/2MS+1.0 mg?L-1 IAA+20 g?L-1蔗糖+7 g?L-1琼脂培养基诱导生根,生根率60.5%;生根苗大田移栽成活率63%。
- Abstract:
- Taking seedless Diospyros lotus L.‘Zanyuan wuhe’ as test material,factors affecting in vitro leaf regeneration including basal medium,plant growth regulator and dark period were studied.The results showed that a high efficient system of in vitro leaf regeneration was established.The superior induction medium was (1/2N)MS+5.0 mg?L-1 ZT+0.10 mg?L-1 IAA,dark incubated for the first four weeks and then transferred to light was the most optimum for plant regeneration,and the callus percentage,the shoot percentage and the adventitious buds per leaf disc were 99.1%,87% and 5.4,respectively.(1/2N)MS+0.5 mg?L-1 ZT+0.01 mg?L-1 IAA was suitable for subculture of shoot.The regenerated plantlets rooted well in 1/2MS+1.0 mg?L-1 IAA+20 g?L-1 sugar+7 g?L-1 agar,of which rooting percentage was 60.5%.The survival rate of rooted plantlets in the field was 63%.
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