CHEN Ying,ZHU Kai,LIU Lin,et al.Effect of Sand Burial Conditions and Water Conditions on Soil Seed Bank Under Closing Measures in Mountainous Region of North Hebei[J].Northern Horticulture,2016,40(03):163-169.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.201603046]
- Title:
- Effect of Sand Burial Conditions and Water Conditions on Soil Seed Bank Under Closing Measures in Mountainous Region of North Hebei
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 风沙活动、土壤干旱和人为干扰是限制冀北沙荒地植被自然恢复的主要因子。该研究以冀北沙荒地封禁区、未封禁区为研究对象,自然保护区为对照,采用野外采样与室内种子萌发试验相结合的方法,施予干旱、良好水分、水渍3类水分条件处理和埋深0.5 cm和2.0 cm的2种沙埋处理,分别研究土壤种子库物种组成、多样性,并探讨地上植被与土壤种子库间的相似性关系。结果表明:封禁区、未封禁区均为良好水分条件下物种数最多,多样性指数和丰富度指数最大,而自然保护区在任何水分条件下物种多样性指数均较高,且物种数均明显高于封禁和未封禁区,说明水分是限制沙荒地土壤种子库种子萌发的主要因子,封禁对自然保护区种子库种子萌发影响较小。封禁区和未封禁区不同沙埋处理物种数及物种组成完全相同,自然保护区沙埋0.5 cm处理的物种数明显高于沙埋2.0 cm的处理,并以多年生草本为主,双子叶植物居多,偶有乔灌木出现;封禁区、未封禁区未出现灌木和乔木,说明沙埋对封禁区、未封禁区土壤种子库多样性影响较小,对自然保护区影响较大。封禁区、自然保护区土壤种子库与地上植被Sorensen相似性指数表现为:良好水分>干旱>水渍,未封禁区表现为良好水分条件种子库与地上植被相似性最小,表明水分条件对封禁区、自然保护区土壤种子库与地上植被关系影响较大,对未封禁区影响不大;无论何种沙埋处理土壤种子库与地上植被相似性指数均较低,说明土壤种子库与地上植被物种组成差异较大,种子库与地上植被关系受沙埋厚度影响较大。在土壤水分条件良好时封禁条件下物种多样性高于未封禁条件,说明土壤水分条件适宜时,封禁措施能提高地上植被物种多样性;封禁区、未封禁区、自然保护区无论何种处理,Sorensen相似性指数均较低,表明封禁措施对土壤种子库物种数量与地上植被关系影响不大。
- Abstract:
- Blown-sand activity,soil drought and human disturbance are the main factors limiting the vagetation natural restoration of northern of Hebei sandy wasteland.In this paper,we compared the species composition and diversity of soil seed banks and studied the similarity between ground vegetation and soil seed banks at closed and unclosed mountainous region in north of Hebei,the natural reserve was used as control group.We combined field sampling with indoor seed germination test,and studied the moisture conditions of drought(D),well water(W) and water (WL) and buried depth of 0.5 cm and 2.0 cm.The results showed that:W had the most species,the highest Shannon-Wiener index and Margalef index in both closed and unclosed regions.Natural reserve had higher species diversity index and more species than the other two regions under all water conditions.It indicated that water was the major limiting factor for soil seed bank germination in degraded sandy wasteland and closing measure had little influence on the germination of nature reserve.Species number and species composition were the same under both burial depths in both closed and unclosed regions.0.5 cm sand burial depth had significantly more species than 2.0 cm sand burial depth in natural reserve,and the majority plant species in natural reserve were perennial herbaceous plants,most of which were dicotyledons,shrubs were found occasionally.Neither shrubs nor woody plants were found in both closed and unclosed regions,indicating that sand burial condition had more influence on seed species diversity of soil seed banks in both closed and unclosed regions,and had less influence in natural reserve.The order of Sorensen similarity index in closed region and nature reserve were:W>D>WL,while unclosed region with W showed the lowest similarity with ground vegetation.Indicating that water condition had a greater influence on the similarity between seed bank and ground vegetation in closed region and nature reserve,and less influence in unclosed region.The Sorensen similarity index was low under all burial conditions,indicating that the species composition of soil seed bank and ground vegetation had a big difference and sand burial condition had a great influence on the Sorensen similarity index.Closed region had higher species diversity than unclosed region under W,indicating that the closing measure could improve species diversity when water condition was well;Sorensen similarity index of closed region,unclosed region and natural reserve were low under all water conditions,indicating that closing measure had little influence on the relationship between the species numbers of soil seed bank and ground vegetation.
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DU Baoguo,YANG Fengli.Reference Analysis of Soil Seed Bank and Its Application in Vegetation Restoration in Wenchuan Earthquake Areas[J].Northern Horticulture,2017,41(03):204.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.201711043]