CHEN Menghua,SHI Xinyu,LIU Yang,et al.Variation and Correlation Analysis of Juglans hopeiensis Hu Fruit Characters[J].Northern Horticulture,2016,40(02):6-11.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.201602002]
- Title:
- Variation and Correlation Analysis of Juglans hopeiensis Hu Fruit Characters
- Keywords:
- Juglans hopeiensis Hu; nut; character; variation; correlation
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以“满天星”、“苹果园”、“大官帽”等7个麻核桃品种为试材,对其青果的单果重、横径、纵径、果形指数以及坚果的单果重、横径、纵径、侧径、果形指数、三径均值进行了变异和相关分析,以期为麻核桃种植户、青果采购商在品种选择时提供参考依据。结果表明:在青果性状方面,“大官帽”的单果重和横径分别为109.01 g和6.01 cm,“承德官帽”的纵径为5.79 cm,“满天星”的青皮厚度为1.17 cm,均高于其它品种;“四座楼”单果重、纵径和青皮厚度的变异幅度分别为29.30 g、0.63 cm和0.29 cm,变异系数分别为9.43%、3.63%和10.43%,“承德官帽”和“白狮子头”果形指数的变异幅度分别为0.11和0.11,变异系数分别为3.07%和3.97%,均低于其它品种。在坚果性状方面,“大官帽”的单果重、纵径、横径、侧径及三径均值分别为33.47 g、4.47 cm、4.69 cm、4.39 cm和4.52 cm,均高于其它品种;“四座楼”和“苹果园”单果重、纵径及三径均值的变异幅度分别为9.00 g、0.43 cm、0.55 cm和9.00 g、0.44 cm、0.45 cm,变异系数分别为11.26%、3.91%、4.24%和12.09%、3.48%、4.00%,“四座楼”果形指数的变异幅度为0.13,变异系数为4.66%,均低于其它品种。青果和坚果性状的相关分析表明,青果单果重与坚果的单果重和横径呈显著正相关,与坚果的纵径和三径均值呈极显著正相关;青果纵径与坚果果形指数呈显著正相关,与坚果纵径呈极显著正相关;青皮厚度与坚果纵径呈极显著正相关。
- Abstract:
- 7 cultivars of J.hopeiensis Hu were used as materials.The main economic characters were determined by variation and correlation analysis,which included the weight,width,length,shape index of fruit and nut,green husk thickness,nut side diameter and mean diameter,in order to provide a theoretical basis for Juglans hopeiensis Hu farmer and fruit purchaser to select merit cultivars.The results showed that in the fruit characters,the single fruit weight and the width of ‘Da Guanmao’,the length of ‘Chengde Guangmao’,green husk thickness of ‘Mantian Xing’ were 109.01 g, 6.01 cm,5.79 cm and 1.17 cm,which were higher than those of other cultivars,and the rangers and variations of the single fruit weight,length and green husk thickness in ‘Sizuo Lou’ and the fruit shape index in ‘Chengde Guangmao’ and ‘Bai Shizi Tou’ respectively were 29.30 g,0.63 cm,0.29 cm,0.11,0.11 and 9.43%,3.63%,10.43%,3.07%,3.97%,which were lower than those of other cultivars.In the nut characters,the single nut weight,length,width,side diameter and mean diameter of ‘Da Guanmao’ were 33.47 g,4.47 cm,4.69 cm,4.39 cm and 4.52 cm,which were higher than those of other cultivars,and the rangers and variations of the single nut weight,length and mean diameter in ‘Sizuo Lou’ and ‘Pingguo Yuan’ and the nut shape index in ‘Sizuo Lou’ respectively were 9.00 g,0.43 cm,0.55 cm,9.00 g,0.44 cm,0.45 cm,0.13,and 11.26%,3.91%,4.24%,12.09%,3.48%,4.00%,4.66%,which were lower than those of other cultivars.The correlation analysis of fruit and nut characters showed that both the single fruit weight and the single nut weight and nut width,and the fruit length and nut shape index had significant positive correlation,and the single fruit weight and the nut length and mean diameter,fruit length and nut length,and green husk thickness and nut length all had highly significant positive correlation.
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