CHENG Yan,ZHANG Xiaoming,WU Chunyan,et al.Effect of Mixed Substrates of Straw Ash on the Quality of Tomato Plants[J].Northern Horticulture,2015,39(18):51-54.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.201518013]
- Title:
- Effect of Mixed Substrates of Straw Ash on the Quality of Tomato Plants
- Keywords:
- straw ash; substrates; tomato; seedling
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以秸秆灰、草炭为试材,以番茄品种‘粉冠888’为研究对象,将未经科学处理的秸秆灰和草炭按不同配比混配成混合育苗基质,研究其理化性质及其在番茄穴盘育苗中的应用效果。结果表明:秸秆灰草炭混配基质的理化性质符合穴盘育苗效果要求,处理中混配基质A3(秸秆灰∶草炭(V∶V)=1∶1)育苗效果明显高于对照(草炭∶蛭石(V∶V)=2∶1),A3处理幼苗的壮苗指数和根冠比分别为0.163、0.124,比对照依次高出32.52%、13.76%;综合幼苗生长状况和生理代谢等指标可以确定,秸秆灰混配基质以秸秆灰和草炭等体积混合可以作为番茄穴盘育苗的基质。
- Abstract:
- Taking straw ash and peat as test materials,with tomato variety ‘Fenguan 888’ as research object,straw ash of the non-scientific treatment and peat were mixed in different ratioes,the physical and chemical properties and its application results in tomato seedling cultivation were studied.The results showed that the physical and chemical properties of mixed substrates of straw ash and peat accorded with performance requirements of seedling.Effect of mixed substrates A3 (straw ash∶peat(V∶V)=1∶1)seedling was significantly higher than control treatment (peat∶vermiculite(V∶V)=2∶1).Index and root-shoot ratio of treatment of seedling A3 were 0.163 and 0.124,the treatment were 32.52% and 13.76% higher than in control treatment.Comprehensive indexes of seedling growth and physiological metabolism could be determined that straw ash mixed substrates with straw ash and peat mixed with an equal volume can be used as the seedling substrate of tomato.
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