GAO Baoyan,GAO Wei,LI Mingyue,et al.Effect of Different Fertilization Treatments and Growing Seasons on Yield and Nutrient Accumulation Under Greenhouse Condition[J].Northern Horticulture,2015,39(13):52-56.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.201513016]
- Title:
- Effect of Different Fertilization Treatments and Growing Seasons on Yield and Nutrient Accumulation Under Greenhouse Condition
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2015)13-0052-05
- Keywords:
- cucumber; different growing seasons; yield; nutrient accumulation; fertilizer use efficiency
- 分类号:
- S 642.2
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以设施黄瓜为试材,采用田间小区试验,研究不同施肥处理和茬口对设施黄瓜产量、养分吸收规律及肥料的农学效应和肥料利用率的影响。结果表明:不同茬口黄瓜最佳施肥(OPT)处理产量高于农民常规施肥(FP)处理,但是二者差异均不显著;从经济效益角度上看,由于OPT处理肥料投入量少,降低了黄瓜种植的成本,其经济效益显著高于FP处理。从养分累积上看,由于FP处理施磷量较高,导致黄瓜对磷的累积量较高,但是氮肥的农学利用率和肥料利用率却较低;冬春茬设施黄瓜钾素是主要限制因子,其次是磷,氮素对其影响最小,而春茬黄瓜,氮素是主要限制因子。
- Abstract:
- Taking cucumber as material,the effects of different growing seasons on yield,the law of nutrient absorption,and fertilizer use efficiency and agronomic efficiency under greenhouse condition were studied.The results showed that compared with the farmer practice fertilizer (FP),optimum fertilizer(OPT)was much higher,there were not significant differences of cucumber yield under different growing seasons.From the economic point of view,due to low inputs of optimum fertilizer (OPT) the cost of the cucumber plant was reduced,its economic benefit was remarkable higher than that of FP.Because FP treatment applied high application rate of phosphoric fertilizer,and lead to cucumber on phosphorus accumulation quantity was higher,but the agronomy efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer and fertilizer utilization rate were low;potassium in the winter and spring cucumber crop of facilities was the main limiting factors,followed by the phosphorus,the smallest,the influence of nitrogen spring and the crop of the cucumber,nitrogen was the main limiting factors.
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