CHEN Yan-qiu,ZHAO Xiang,LIU Zhao-xia,et al.Effect of Difference Between Day and Night Temperature on Fruit Development and Yield of Tomato[J].Northern Horticulture,2014,38(24):38-42.
- Title:
- Effect of Difference Between Day and Night Temperature on Fruit Development and Yield of Tomato
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2014)24-0038-05
- Keywords:
- difference between day and night temperature (DIF); Solanum lycopersicum.; development; yield
- 分类号:
- S 641.226
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以设施番茄“金冠5号”为试材,利用人工控制试验,设计2个平均温度(18℃,25℃),昼夜温差(DIF)设计12℃(白天24℃/晚上12℃,白天31℃/晚上19℃)、6℃(白天21℃/晚上15℃,白天28℃/晚上22℃)、0℃(白天18℃/晚上18℃,白天25℃/晚上25℃)共6个处理,研究了不同处理对设施番茄幼果坐果率、果实大小(果实横径、果实纵径)及单果重、单株产量的影响,并利用果实形态指标与平均温度、昼夜温差、最低温度、最高温度进行相关分析,以揭示不同昼夜温差对番茄果实发育及产量的影响规律。结果表明:18℃平均温度处理时,坐果率、果实横径、单果重和单株产量均以12℃昼夜温差(24℃/12℃)最高,6℃昼夜温差次之,0℃昼夜温差最低;果实纵径以6℃最高;在日均温度25℃时,幼果坐果率、果实横径、果实纵径、单果重量和单株产量则以6℃昼夜温差处理最高,12℃昼夜温差次之,0℃昼夜温差最低;坐果至开花的天数以6℃温差处理最短。坐果率、果实横径、果实纵径和单果重,与昼夜温差呈正相关,与平均温度和最低温度相关不显著,坐果率、果实纵径与日最高温度呈正相关。研究认为在最适温度范围内,温差越大、果实发育越快、生长量越大、产量越高,有利于果实坐果。
- Abstract:
- Taking tomato Solanum lycopersicum cv.‘Jinguan 5’as test material,the use of artificial controlled trial designed two average temperature (18℃,25℃),difference between day and night temperature(DIF) to 12℃ (day 24℃/night 12℃,day 31℃/night 19℃),6℃ (day 21℃/night 15℃,day 28℃/night 22℃),0℃ (day 18℃/night 18℃,day 25℃/night 25℃) handled a total of six controlled trials,the number of different research facilities DIF tomato on young fruit setting rate,the size of fruit weight,fruit and grain yield per plant.The results showed that 18℃ average temperature processing,fruit setting rate,fruit diameter,fruit weight and yield per plant were the highest under 12℃ diurnal temperature (24℃/12℃),6℃ temperature difference followed,0℃ temperature difference was the lowest;when the average daily temperature was 25℃,young fruit setting rate,fruit diameter,fruit weight and yield per plant was the highest when temperature difference placed 6℃,12℃ temperature difference followed,0℃ temperature difference was the lowest;setting rate,fruit diameter,fruit longitudinal diameter and fruit weight,and DIF positively correlated with the mean temperature and the minimum temperature were not significant,setting rate,fruit length and daily maximum temperature was positively correlated.And it suggested that within the optimum temperature range,the greater the temperature difference,the faster the fruit development,the greater the growth,the higher the yield,it was benefit for setting fruits.
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