LIU Zhi-xi,LI Zhi-qiang,WEI Hai-lian,et al. Phylogenetic Analysis of Oyster Mushrooms by ISSR Marker[J].Northern Horticulture,2014,38(12):94-99.
- Title:
- Phylogenetic Analysis of Oyster Mushrooms by ISSR Marker
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2014)12-0094-06
- Keywords:
- oyster mushroom(Pleurotus); ISSR; phylogenetic
- 分类号:
- S 646.1+4
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以53个平菇菌种为试材,采用ISSR标记技术,对采自多地的平菇材料进行遗传多样性检测,以期为平菇优良品种选育和亲缘关系的研究提供分子生物学依据。结果表明:从27个ISSR引物中共筛选出14个多态性明显的引物;在53份供试材料中共扩增出189条谱带,其中多态性条带189条,多态性为100%;材料间遗传相似系数范围在0.44~0.99,聚类分析结果显示,在0.62水平上53株菌株分为8组,多数菌株之间遗传相似性较低。这表明供试菌株在DNA水平上存在比较显著的遗传变异和丰富的遗传多样性;同时发现供试材料间的聚类与地域无明显相关性。
- Abstract:
- Taking 53 varieties of oyster mushroom as materials,phylogenetic analysis of oyster mushrooms from different places were carried out by ISSR marker in order to provide some molecular biology evidences for research to varieties breeding and genetic relationship of mushroom.The results showed that from 27 ISSR primers,14 primers whose polymorphisms were obviously screened out.189 bands as well as 189 polymorphic bands were obtained from all the 53 tested strains,indicating that their polymorphism was 100%.The coefficients of genetic similarity ranged from 0.44 to 0.99.The results of cluster analysis showed that all 53 strains were classified into eight groups at 0.62 levels and that the coefficients of genetic similarity for majority of strains were pretty low,indicating that there were significant genetic variation and rich genetic diversity between the tested strains at the DNA level.The result also showed that there’s no significant correlation between the tested materials’ clustering and their geographic origins.
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