YUAN Ju-hong.Investigation and Analysis on the Plant Landscape of Urban Roads in Nanchang City[J].Northern Horticulture,2014,38(10):71-76.
- Title:
- Investigation and Analysis on the Plant Landscape of Urban Roads in Nanchang City
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2014)10-0071-06
- 分类号:
- TU 985.12
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 对南昌市31条交通要道、8座立交桥和2个交通岛绿地植物景观进行了现场实地调研,调查绿化植物种类、分析其植物配置及植物多样性。结果表明:道路绿地主要应用的植物有132种、60科101属,其中乔木56种,灌木48种,草本28种;出现频度较高的7种乔灌木的顺序依次为香樟(82.93%)>红花檵木(73.17%)>海桐(60.98%)>杜鹃、红叶石楠、桂花、杜英(均为48.78%);常绿∶落叶树种配比为1.21∶1,数量配比为28.4∶1;乔木与灌木种类配比为1.17∶1,数量配比1∶17.5;常绿矮小灌木数量应用较多;观花和观叶植物种类较为丰富,占总数的76%;综合考虑低碳、生态、文化古城、山水城市的南昌地域特色,建议南昌城市道路绿地建设应进一步增加植物种类品种、提高植物景观设计水平及加强绿地养护管理力度。
- Abstract:
- Field investigation of the plant landscape of 31 urban arterial roads,8 overpasses,and 2 traffic islands in the Nanchang city were conducted,greening plant species were investigated,the configuration of the plant and plant diversity were analyzed.The results showed that there were 132 species from 60 families and 101 genus in the above greenspace,which included 56 arbor tree species,48 shrub species,and 28 herbaceous.The highest application frequency for the seven species of shrubs in the order:Cinnamomum camphora(82.93%)>Loropetalum chinense var.rubrum(73.17%)>Pittosporum tobira(60.98%)>Osmanthus fragrans,Elaeocarpus sylvestris,Rhododendron simsii Planch.,and Photinia serrulata(48.78%).The ratio of evergreen and deciduous tree species was 1.21∶1,and their number ratio was 28.4∶1.The ratio of arbor and shrub tree species was 1.17∶1,and their number ratio was 1∶17.5.Research also found that a lot of evergreen dwarf shrubs in greenspace along urban roads were applied in Nanchang,and the flower and foliage plants species was relatively abundant which accounted for 70%.Therefore,from the consideration region features of low carbon,ecological,ancient city of culture,and city landscape,urban road greenspace construction in the future in Nanchang should increase plant species varieties,improved the level of plant landscape design and enhance the plant maintenance and management.
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