DAN Zhong,SU Yin-ling,MU Wan-fu,et al.Comprehensive Evaluation and Selection of Heat Tolerant Germplasm in Europe-type Cucumber[J].Northern Horticulture,2013,37(22):49-52.
- Title:
- Comprehensive Evaluation and Selection of Heat Tolerant Germplasm in Europe-type Cucumber
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2013)22-0049-04
- Keywords:
- Europe-type cucumber; heat tolerance; germplasm resource
- 分类号:
- S 642.2
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以20份不同基因型的欧洲型黄瓜种质为试材,研究了田间自然高温(36.6/23.8℃)条件对植株成株期的株高、叶面积、茎粗、主茎雌花数、化瓜数、热害指数等11个指标变化的影响;运用隶属函数法对欧洲型黄瓜耐热性强弱进行综合评价,并通过聚类分析将不同基因型欧洲型黄瓜进行筛选、分类,为耐热新品种选育、推广及大规模品种耐热性评价奠定基础。结果表明:不同材料之间的耐热性存在显著的差异,且不同鉴定指标间存在着不同的相关性;获得耐热性材料4份,热敏感材料3份。综合耐热性综合评价结果考虑,“35-1”、“76-2”、“76-1”、“75-1”等4份耐热性材料可作为耐热高产优质材料,可用于下一步的常规杂交育种中。
- Abstract:
- Taking 20 genotypes of Europe-type germplasm as experimental materials,the effect of natural high temperature (36.6/23.8℃) in the field conditions on the changes in the 11 indicators of seedling height,leaf area,stem diameter,stem number of female flowers,fruit number,heat injury index were studied.The heat tolerance on Europe-type cucumber of different genotypes were comprehensively evaluated,and system clustering analysis was used to screen and the species of cucumber was classified.The objective of this study was to breeding the heat tolerance of Europe-type cucumber of different genotypes,which would provide a theoretical basis for extension and evaluation on heat tolerance of Europe-type cucumber varieties.The results showed that the heat tolerance had significant differences among various materials.Four materials were heat tolerance and three materials were heat sensitive,according to the result from subodinate fuction analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis.This found will enrich heat tolerance materials in Europe-type cucumber,and promote the development of crossbreeding study.
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