WANG En-guo,LIU Wei-ming.Study on Spodoptera litura(Fabricins) Population Dynamics Regularity on Broccoli in Taizhou Area[J].Northern Horticulture,2013,37(15):137-140.
- Title:
- Study on Spodoptera litura(Fabricins) Population Dynamics Regularity on Broccoli in Taizhou Area
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2013)15-0137-04
- Keywords:
- broccoli; Spodoptera litura(Fabricins)annual population dynamic regulation; seasonal population fluctuation; influence factor
- 分类号:
- S 436.35
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为了探索西兰花斜纹夜蛾发生危害规律,揭示斜纹夜蛾种群数量年度运动规律与季节性消长规律,于2002~2012年应用性诱剂监测方法进行了定点系统监测。结果表明:台州西兰花近11 a来斜纹夜蛾大发生频率36.4%,其年度运动总体呈开口向下的抛物型曲线变化趋势,其运行轨迹为N=-18.416t2+182.51t+17971,t={1,2,3,……,n}(n=11;r=0.6917*);其季节性消长呈波峰性振荡减弱曲线变化趋势,自播种育苗至现蕾结球总体蛾量渐趋递减,其平均日量函数模型为:m=0.0002d2-0.0675d+6.7973,d={1,2,3,……,n}(n=186,r=0.9552**),影响季节性数量变动的主要外因是气温,其旬诱蛾量与旬平均气温存在极显著的相关关系:M=0.243T2-6.9351T+46.681(n=108,r=0.5602**)或M=2.7344T-35.446(n=108,r=0.5003**)。由此可见,田间发蛾量随旬平均气温升高而渐趋加强,7~9月高温少雨季节为田间斜纹夜蛾盛发为害期。应用上述模型对提高西兰花斜纹夜蛾预测预报或预警水平,及对决策防治具有良好的指导意义。
- Abstract:
- During the years from 2002 to 2012,gyplure monitoring method was used to carry out systematical monitoring at a certain site in order to explore the regularity of harm that Spodoptera litura (Fabricins) has done and thus the annual population dynamic regulation of Spodoptera litura(Fabricins) as well as the seasonal population fluctuation regulation could be drawn.The results showed that the occurrence frequency of Spodoptera litura(Fabricins) was 36.4% and annual population dynamic model was N=-18.416t2+182.51t+179.71,t={1,2,3,……,n}(n=11;r=0.6917*).Its seasonal population fluctuation was weakening from sowing and seeding to budding and fruiting with the following functional model:m=0.0002d2-0.0675d+6.7973,d={1,2,3,……,n}(n=186,r=0.9552**).The main external causes for its seasonal quantity fluctuation were temperature with a correlation model as follows:M=0.243T2-6.9351T+46.681(n=108,r=0.5602**).Therefore,the period between July and September,with high temperature and little rain,was a highfrequency occurrence time for Spodoptera litura (Fabricins) .The above mentioned models could be used to forecast Spodoptera litura (Fabricins) at the growth period of broccoli and finally new precautions could be adopted.
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