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 HU Zhi-hui,ZHANG Fan-rong,ZHOU Shi-li,et al.Disinfection Test on Three Kinds of Bacterium in the Edible Fungi Treated With CTP-3 and Microwave[J].Northern Horticulture,2014,38(15):135.
 LI Min,ZHANG Gui-rong.Study on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Several Indigenous Yam Varieties in the West of Shandong Province[J].Northern Horticulture,2013,37(15):19.
 LI Xi-e,LYU Jun-feng,WANG Wei.Study on the Nutrient Limiting Factors and Balanced Fertilization of Yam in Northwest Area[J].Northern Horticulture,2014,38(15):174.
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 XU Dong-sheng.Study on Extraction Total Flavonoids by Microwave from Astragalus membranaceus[J].Northern Horticulture,2015,39(15):113.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.201503033]
 LI Li,LI Ling,YU Xia,et al.Study on Extraction of Total Flavonoids From the Root of Jasminum duclouxii by Microwave-Assisted Route[J].Northern Horticulture,2015,39(15):124.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.201515033]




更新日期/Last Update: 2014-09-21