GUO Aihua,ZHOU Ziling,LI Shuyao,et al.Comparative Study on Agronomic Traits of Different Rosa rugosa Lyuliang[J].Northern Horticulture,2025,(3):74-79.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20243259]
- Title:
- Comparative Study on Agronomic Traits of Different Rosa rugosa Lyuliang
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2025)03-0074-06
- Keywords:
- Rosa rugosa Thunb.; cultivated varieties; agronomic trait
- 分类号:
- S 685.12
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以吕梁地区栽培的“保加利亚”“大马士革”“平阴”“紫枝”“苦水”5个玫瑰品种为试材,对其生长性状进行调查分析,利用CIE L*a*b*表色系法及分光光度法测定花色和叶绿素,研究了其不同品种间农艺性状差异及生理变化,以期为吕梁地区的玫瑰产业发展提供参考依据。结果表明:“紫枝”玫瑰以较好的叶形和花形特征展现出独特的观赏价值,其展叶程度较好,复叶较长(113.87 mm)、平均花冠直径较大(88.66 mm)、花托直径较宽(9.94 mm),在花蕾完全开放期颜色最红且饱和度最高,可以作为吕梁地区园林景观栽植的优良品种之一;“苦水”玫瑰有较好的生长适应性,其一级分枝数最多(9.08个),单株花蕾数(103.25个)产量较为可观;“平阴”玫瑰叶片叶绿素含量最高,为2.11 mg·g-1FW。
- Abstract:
- Five rose varieties namely ‘Bulgarian’‘Damascus’‘Pingyin’‘Zizhi’ and ‘Kushui’ cultivated in Lyuliang area,were used as the test materials.The growth characters of 5 kinds of rose were investigated and analyzed.The color and chlorophyll were determined by CIE L*a*b* color system method and spectrophotometry.The differences of agronomic characters and physiological changes among different varieties were studied,in order to provide reference for the development of rose industry in Lyuliang area.The results showed that the ‘Zizhi’ rose exhibited unique ornamental value with good leaf and flower shape characteristics.It had a good degree of leaf expansion,longer compound leaves (113.87 mm),larger average corolla diameter (88.66 mm),wider receptacle diameter (9.94 mm),and the reddest and most saturated color during the fully open bud period.It could be used as one of the excellent varieties for garden landscape planting in the Lyuliang area.The ‘Kushui’ rose had good growth adaptability,with the highest number of primary branches (9.08) and a considerable yield of 103.25 flower buds per plant.The chlorophyll content of ‘Pingyin’ rose leaves was the highest,at 2.11 mg·g-1FW.
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