XU Ying,LI Qingfeng,ZHANG Ruichen,et al.Identification and Biological Characteristics Analysis of the Pathogen Causing the Sclerotium Disease of Fritillaria ussuriensis Maxim.[J].Northern Horticulture,2025,(1):97-104.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20242860]
- Title:
- Identification and Biological Characteristics Analysis of the Pathogen Causing the Sclerotium Disease of Fritillaria ussuriensis Maxim.
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2025)01-0097-08
- Keywords:
- Fritillaria ussuriensis Maxim.; sclerotium disease; pathogen identification; biological characteristics
- 分类号:
- S 435.672
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以铁力市平贝母菌核病病株为试材,采用组织分离法、形态学观察及分子生物学分析等方法,研究了铁力市平贝母菌核病菌的分类地位及生物学特性,以期明确铁力市平贝母菌核病病原及病原菌生长特性,为更好地制定防治措施提供参考依据。结果表明:引起铁力市平贝母菌核病的2株病原菌PBJH-1和PBJH-2为Sclerotium denigrans。2株病原菌最适生长温度为20 ℃,30 ℃时停止生长,在不同光照条件下生长速率无显著性差异,pH为4.0时菌丝生长最快,最佳碳源为麦芽糖,PBJH-1最佳氮源为蛋白胨,PBJH-2最佳氮源为酵母浸粉。
- Abstract:
- The sclerotium diseased plants of Fritillaria ussuriensis Maxim.in Tieli city were used as test materials by using tissue isolation,morphological observation and molecular biology analysis.The taxonomic status and biological characteristics of the pathogen were studied with the expectation of clarifying the pathogen of the sclerotium disease of F.ussuriensis Maxim.in Tieli city and growth characteristics of the pathogen,in order to provide reference for better developing prevention and control measures.The results showed that the two pathogenic strains PBJH-1 and PBJH-2 causing the sclerotium diseasing of F.ussuriensis Maxim.in Tieli city,were Sclerotium denigrans.The optimal growth temperature of the two pathogenic strains was 20 ℃,and they stopped growing at 30 ℃.There was no significant difference in the growth rate under different light conditions.The optimal pH for mycelia growth was 4.0,and the optimal carbon source was malt sugar.The best nitrogen source of PBJH-1 was peptone and PBJH-2 was yeast extract.
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