ZHANG Yanping,YE Chunlei,QI Yanni,et al.Salt-tolerant Gene Mapping of Flax Using BSA-Seq Analysis[J].Northern Horticulture,2025,(3):27-34.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20242807]
- Title:
- Salt-tolerant Gene Mapping of Flax Using BSA-Seq Analysis
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2025)03-0027-08
- Keywords:
- flax; BSA-Seq; salt resistance gene
- 分类号:
- S 853.75
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以胡麻耐盐材料STS和盐敏感材料DYMS及其杂交后代RIL群体为试材,采用BSA-Seq方法,研究筛选与胡麻抗盐相关的QTLs,以期为胡麻创新培育耐盐种质和分子标记辅助育种提供参考依据。结果表明:经过一系列分析筛选出14个与胡麻耐盐相关的SNP位点,其中第2号染色体上分布了8个,第3条染色体上分布了2个,第5、6、9号和13号染色体上各分布1个。通过实时荧光定量PCR过表达验证,获得一个候选基因Lus_GLEAN_10024365,其在第2号染色体上,scaffold208号位点5 913,基因长度4 981 bp。通过注释发现Lus_GLEAN_10024365与胞间连丝胼胝质(β-1,3-葡萄糖聚合物)结合蛋白合成相关,而胼胝质在盐胁迫过程中会有沉积。有关该基因与胼胝质合成与代谢的相关性尚需进一步深入研究。
- Abstract:
- The salt-tolerant STS and salt-sensitive DYMS and their hybrid offspring RIL populations of flax were used as the test materials,the BSA-Seq method was used,QTLs related to flax salt resistance were studied and screened,in order to provide reference for innovative cultivation of salt-tolerant germplasm and molecular marker-assisted breeding of flax.The results showed that 14 SNPS related to flax salt tolerance were selected after a series of analyses.8 SNP loci were screened on chromosome 2,2 SNP loci were screened on chromosome 3,and 1 SNP loci was screened on chromosome 5,6,9 and 13,respectively.Overexpression verified by real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR showed that the Lus_GLEAN_10024365 gene was a salt-tolerance candidate gene.It was on chromosome 2,which was scaffold208 on loci 5 913 with a length of 4 981 bp.It was found that Lus_GLEAN_10024365 was related to the synthesis of plasmodesmata callose (β-1,3-glucose polymer) binding protein which was deposited during salt stress.The correlation between this gene and the synthesis and metabolism of callose will be further investigated.
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