LIANG Bin,ZHANG Xing,YE Weijun,et al.Genetic Diversity of Leaf Phenotypic Traits in Progeny of Camellia oleifera and Camellia osmantha[J].Northern Horticulture,2025,(2):23-29.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20242714]
- Title:
- Genetic Diversity of Leaf Phenotypic Traits in Progeny of Camellia oleifera and Camellia osmantha
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2025)02-0023-07
- 分类号:
- S 794.4
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以‘岑软24号’ב香花油茶109号’杂交F1代小苗为试材,采用频率分析、相关性分析和聚类分析等统计学方法,研究F1代145个单株的叶片表型多样性,以期为杂交子代早期鉴定和种质筛选提供参考依据。结果表明:杂交F1代9个叶片表型性状存在不同程度的变异,变异系数范围在8.77%~22.80%。9个叶片表型性状在F1代的中亲优势率为-18.83%~77.14%,超亲优势率为-33.19%~62.75%,其中叶长、叶宽、叶周长、叶面积、叶绿素参考值和蓝色成分值的遗传传递力超过100%。36对相关性分析中,极显著正相关10对、极显著负相关5对、显著正相关1对、显著负相关1对。系统聚类将F1代的145个单株分为4个类群,聚类结果充分反映了各类群的特征。
- Abstract:
- Taking seedlings of hybrid F1 generation of ‘Cenruan 24’ and ‘Xianghua Oil Tea 109’ as test materials,statistical methods such as frequency analysis,correlation analysis,and cluster analysis were used to study on the leaf phenotypic diversity of 145 individual plants in the F1 generation,in order to lay the foundation for early identification and germplasm screening of hybrid offspring.The results showed that the phenotypic traits of 9 leaves of F1 hybrid generation had different degrees of variation,and the coefficient of variation ranged from 8.77% to 22.80%.In F1 generation,the advantage rates of the nine leaf phenotypy traits ranged from -18.83% to 77.14%,and heterobletiosis rates ranged from -33.19% to 62.75%.The genetic transmission of leaf length,leaf width,leaf circumference,leaf area,chlorophyll reference value and blue component value exceeded 100%.Among the 36 pairs of correlation analysis,there were 10 pairs of extremely significant positive correlation,5 pairs of extremely significant negative correlation,1 pair of significant positive correlation and 1 pair of significant negative correlation.The 145 single plants of F1 generation were divided into 4 groups by systematic clustering,and the clustering results fully reflected the characteristics of each group.
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