GENG Bo,ZHANG Xiujuan,ZHANG Haijuan,et al.Current Status and Development Suggestions of Edible Fungi Industry in Zibo City[J].Northern Horticulture,2025,(3):135-140.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20242690]
- Title:
- Current Status and Development Suggestions of Edible Fungi Industry in Zibo City
- 文章编号:
- 1001-0009(2025)03-0135-06
- Keywords:
- edible mushrooms; industry; current situation; suggestions; Zibo
- 分类号:
- S 759.81
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 针对淄博市食用菌产业存在的经营方式粗放、产品档次不高、技术水平不强、标准体系不够健全等问题,进行了深入调研和探讨,提出了创新生产经营方式、加大科技创新、强化品牌建设、丰富营销方式、加强产品开发等建议,以期为实现食用菌产业更高质量发展提供有益借鉴。
- Abstract:
- In view of the problems existing in the edible mushroom industry in Zibo city,such as extensive management mode,low product grade,low technical level and imperfect standard system,in-depth research and discussion were carried out,and suggestions were put forward such as innovating production and management mode,increasing scientific and technological innovation,strengthening brand building,enriching marketing methods and strengthening product development,in order to achieve higher quality development of edible fungi industry to provide beneficial reference.
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