LI Xiaomei,MA Li,HU Junhan,et al.Effects of Different Substrates and Thickness on Hardwood Cutting of Pomegranate[J].Northern Horticulture,2020,44(16):36-40.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20200160]
- Title:
- Effects of Different Substrates and Thickness on Hardwood Cutting of Pomegranate
- Keywords:
- pomegranate; substrate; thickness; cuttings
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以石榴为试材,采用硬枝扦插的方法,以田园土、沙和混合土(沙∶田园土=1∶1)为基质,选取直径为0.4、0.6、0.8 cm的插穗分别与基质进行组合试验,以期探讨不同基质和插穗粗度对石榴硬枝扦插的影响,筛选最适合石榴扦插的方案。结果表明:不同基质对成活率、最长根长、根总长、根总表面积、叶绿素和最长枝有显著或极显著影响。不同插穗粗度对成活率、叶绿素和最长枝没有显著影响,但插穗粗度对最长根长、根总长、根总表面积有显著影响,0.6 cm和0.8 cm插穗粗度均有利于根总长和根总表面积增加,对最长根长来说基质与粗度有互作。最有利于扦插石榴生根的基质是沙,3种粗度的枝条中以0.6 cm和0.8 cm粗度做插穗好。最适合生根的组合为沙+0.6 cm/0.8 cm插穗。
- Abstract:
- Pomegranate was used as the material and tested by hardwood cutting.Cutting experiments were conducted with garden soil,sand and mixed soil (sand∶garden soil=1∶1).Cuttings with stem diameters of 0.4 cm,0.6 cm,0.8 cm,were selected to carry out combination tests with substrates respectively to explore the effects of different substrates and thickness on cutting of pomegranate branches and select the most suitable cutting scheme for pomegranate branches.The results showed that different substrates had significant differences in rooting of cuttings.Different substrates had significant or extremely significant effects on survival rate,longest root length,total root length,total root surface area,chlorophyll and the longest branch.The survival rate,chlorophyll and the longest branch were not significantly affected by different thickness.While the thickness had significant influence on the longest root length,total root length,total root surface.The stem diameter of 0.6 cm and 0.8 cm were beneficial to increase the root length.For the longest root,there was interaction between thickness and substrates.In general,among the three substrates,the most favorable substrate for cutting pomegranate was sand.Among the branches of three thickness,the thickness of 0.6 cm and 0.8 cm was good for cuttings.And the best combination was sand + 0.6 cm/0.8 cm branches.
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