JI Xiang,ZHANG Yanfang,SHAO Ying,et al.Effects of Exogenous Calcium on Tuber Swelling of Chinese Yam[J].Northern Horticulture,2021,(05):8-14.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20200039]
施加外源钙素对山药(Dioscorea opposite Thunb.)块茎膨大的影响
- Title:
- Effects of Exogenous Calcium on Tuber Swelling of Chinese Yam
- Keywords:
- chinese yam; tubers swelling ; calcium ion; camlmodulin; enzyme; correlation
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以块茎膨大期的河北安平白山药的块茎为试材,通过施加不同浓度的外源钙,测定在施不同浓度外源钙下山药块茎形态指标的变化,淀粉、淀粉酶和淀粉合成酶含量及内源钙离子、钙调素含量的变化趋势,并对其进行相关性分析,从而探讨钙离子与钙调素对山药块茎膨大影响的生理机制。结果表明:施入恰当浓度的外源钙(74 kg?hm-2)能促进山药块茎内源钙离子和钙调素含量的增加,能提高淀粉合成酶的含量,促进淀粉的合成与积累,有助于促进山药块茎的膨大,为山药块茎膨大生理机制的研究提供参考依据。
- Abstract:
- The expansion period tuber of white yam of Anping from Hebei was used as the experimental material, by using different concentrations of calcium, the yam tuber morphological indicators changes, the content of starch, amylase and starch synthase and the change of calcium ions, calmodulin content were neasured, the correlation analysis for these date under different concentrations of calcium was conducted,and the calcium ion and calmodulin physiological mechanism of the impact in the period of Chinese yam tuber bulking were explored.The results showed that the application of appropriate concentration of exogenous calcium (74 kg?hm-2) could promote the tuber swelling, starch synthesis and accumulation, increase the content of starch synthase, and promote the content of endogenous calcium ions and calmodulin in the tuber.Finally,the results of this experiment will serve as a reference for the study of the physiological mechanism of yam.
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