CHI Xin,WANG Xinyue,LIU Xueqing,et al.Study on Changes of Methylation of ‘Fuji’ Apple With Different Color Phases After Unpacking[J].Northern Horticulture,2020,44(17):23-29.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20200035]
- Title:
- Study on Changes of Methylation of ‘Fuji’ Apple With Different Color Phases After Unpacking
- Keywords:
- ‘Fuji’ apple; peel tinted; DNA methylation; MSAP analysis
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以十四年生‘富士’苹果为试材,采用甲基化敏感扩增多态性(methylation sensitive amplified polymorphism,MSAP)技术,研究了不同色相‘富士’苹果解袋后12 d着色期内果皮DNA全基因组甲基化变化,以探讨‘富士’苹果着色与其果皮DNA全基因组甲基化的关系。结果表明:Ⅱ型甲基化(外侧胞嘧啶半甲基化/CGH甲基化)、Ⅲ型甲基化(内侧胞嘧啶全甲基/CG甲基化)在解袋第6天明显出现一个拐点,甲基化水平和甲基化模式变异在2个着色期(前6 d为S1期,后6 d为S2)变化明显,甲基化水平明显降低,甲基化模式前期以甲基化为主,后期则以去甲基化为主。可见,去甲基化在解袋后‘富士’苹果着色期可能发挥了重要作用;条红和全红2种色相‘富士’苹果研究结果显示,DNA的甲基化水平及模式变化条红‘富士’更为明显。该研究可为不同色相富士苹果的鉴定,以及富士苹果的选育,着色的调控提供新的思路。
- Abstract:
- 14-year-old ‘Fuji’ apples were used as test materials,using the MSAP technology,the changes of genome-wide methylation of peel DNA during the coloring period of 12 days were analyzed after unpacking about the different color ‘Fuji’ apple,so as to explore the relationship between coloring of ‘Fuji’ apple and genome-wide methylation of peel DNA.The results showed that typeⅡ (the outer half cytosine methylation/CGH methylation) and typeⅢ (inside the methyl/CG methylation) methylation level apparent reached an inflection point on the sixth day after bag removal in MSAP analysis.The methylation level and methylation pattern changed significantly in the both coloring periods(before 6 days was the S1 stage,6 days for S2),and the methylation level in stage S1 was significantly higher than that in stage S2.The methylation pattern was mainly methylated in the early stage and demethylated in the later stage.It could be seen that demethylation may play an important role in the coloring period of ‘Fuji’ apples after bag unpacking.The results of study on striped ‘Fuji’ and blushed ‘Fuji’ showed that the changes in DNA methylation levels and patterns were more pronounced in striped ‘Fuji’.The results of that the methylation level and pattern change of the ‘Fuji’ apple with striped ‘Fuji’ was more obvious.This study could provide new ideas for the identification of ‘Fuji’ apple with different colors,as well as the breeding of ‘Fuji’ apple and the regulation of coloring.
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