YUAN Yunxiang,HE Boling.Effect of Different Conditions on the Change of Content of Osmotic Regulating Substances in Reed[J].Northern Horticulture,2019,43(02):103-111.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20181908]
- Title:
- Effect of Different Conditions on the Change of Content of Osmotic Regulating Substances in Reed
- Keywords:
- wetland reed; free proline; soluble sugar; soluble protein
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以陕西黄河湿地芦苇为试材,采用酸性茚三酮法、蒽酮比色法、考马斯亮蓝法,研究了芦苇根须、根部分蘖和上位叶3个部位的游离脯氨酸、可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白质等渗透调节物质的含量。通过改变浸提温度、浸提时间等单因素进行试验,比较不同条件下湿地芦苇各部位生理特性变化情况,研究芦苇黄河湿地环境变化情况,以期为陕西黄河湿地的保护提供理论参考。结果表明:芦苇根和上位叶游离脯氨酸在100 ℃、10 min浸提条件下含量最大,根部分蘖应在80 ℃、10 min条件下脯氨酸含量最高,脯氨酸含量与浸提温度呈正相关;可溶性糖含量在同一条件下上位叶明显高于根须与根部分蘖,在80 ℃、40 min条件下可溶性糖含量达最高。在室温条件下可溶性蛋白质含量最高,随着温度升高而下降。
- Abstract:
- The reed of Shaanxi Yellow River Wetland was used as experimental material,the contents of free proline,soluble sugar and soluble protein in reed root,root tiller and upper leaf were determined by acid ninhydrin method,anthrone colorimetry and coomassie brilliant blue method.The physiological charactriristics of different parts of wetland reed were observed and compared by several groups of single factor experiments,such as changing the extraction time,changing the extraction temperature and so on.The environment changes in the growing zone of reed were studied,could provide a theoretical reference for protection of Shaanxi Yellow River Wetland.The results showed that the content of free praline of reed root and upper leaf was the highest when condition was extracting temperature 100 ℃,extracting time 10 minutes.The content of free praline of root tillerwas extracting temperature 80 ℃,extracting time 10 minutes.The content of soluble sugar of the upper leaves was significantly higher than reed root and root tiller.The content of soluble sugar was the highest when condition was extracting temperature 80 ℃,extracting time 40 minutes.The content of soluble protein was the highest under room temperature.It decreased as the temperature increased.
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YUAN Yunxiang,HE Boling.Effect of Different Conditions on the Change of Content of Osmotic Regulating Substances in Reed[J].Northern Horticulture,2019,43(02):77.[doi:10.11937/bfyy.20181908]